Sigh. How did we get here yall? My baby girl is in first grade and is SEVEN years old! I am so glad I have continued to write these updates every 6 months to look back on. So thankful for my blog and all my documentation! Anyway, let’s take a look at miss thing and see what she has been up to in the past 6 months.
Let’s start with some stats. She just had her 7 year old checkout (she did fine with the flu shot but did NOT like the surprise finger prick at the end!) She is in the 85th percentile for weight at 60.5 pounds, and the 92th percentile for height at 4’3″. She wears a 1.5-2 shoe, and can still squeeze in a few 6T tops, but most are size 8. This year for winter pants are going to be a size 10 because the 8’s are too short! I’m going to have to find some “slim” ones because otherwise they are going to fall off of her.
She went to CC Ranch this summer and LOVED it! The kids literally just play outside on a “ranch” all day. She would get in the car so filthy dirty and smelly but she had a great time! Now this year for school she is at Christ Covenant, which is where I used to teach. It’s a bit of a drive for us, but it’s a great school so it’s worth it! We just had a parent teacher conference and she is doing great aside from neatness/handwriting and needing to slow down her work. I can’t really fuss at her because I was the same way!
She is still learning lots of Bible verses thanks to Bobby and the fact that she is back in a Christian school and she has a verse test every week. She learned to read last year in Kindergarten and is doing SO well! On the state testing last year she was in the 99th percentile for the state in both math and reading. She is smart but gets frustrated easily because she is so competitive (also, gets it from me so hard to be mad!)
We have traveled a lot in the past 6 months, including two trips to East Tennessee, Nashville and Memphis, and a really long Florida road trip where we stayed in 5 hotels. We got to do Busch Gardens, Disney, Gaylord Palms, and the beach all in one trip. We also took a beach trip with my parents for Mother’s Day.
Girlfriend is STILL an early riser, and won’t nap, even on a 10 hour car trip. She is up at 6-6:10 every day no matter what time we go to bed. We start the bedtime routine at 7:30 but she usually isn’t asleep until 8:00. She still wants to be a veterinarian when she grows up, although recently she has said she also wants to be a blogger, haha. She still LOVES all animals, and pets every dog she can. Her and Dolly are especially sweet together.
Still my littler competitive queen, she loves to win. Board games, racing to the car, it just doesn’t matter. She loved basketball last year at the church, and is signed up to play again this winter. She also signed up for cheerleading at school and her first game is this week!
As far as food goes, she still loves sweets and candy of course, but doesn’t like when cakes and things are “too sweet.”Β Thankfully she still loves fruit, and she loves broccoli. She still loves chicken nuggets, mac and cheese, pizza, corn, and apple juice. Thankfully she is an adventurous eater and will at least TRY anything we give her.
She has lost about 8 or so teeth, I have kind of lost count! When her two front teeth grew in, she looked so much older and it makes me sad! We are still waiting for her teeth next to those to come down, but I’m feeling like she will need braces.
Emma Kate is still so funny and says the craziest things. She loves to perform and is such a ham. She is such a bright shining light in our lives, and we are so thankful for her! We can’t wait to see what being seven brings to our little girl. We love you big as the sky!

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