So I just realized today that I never wrote a 9 year old post for Emma Kate! Better late than never, right? I also realized I wrote her 8 year old post last January as well instead of September. Oops. It’s been busy, yall.
When she was sick last month, she weighed in at 72 pounds, and is 4’9.5″ inches tall. That’s the 96th percentile for height and 81st for weight.
Like last year, we spent a day at Dollywood for her birthday since it fell on a Sunday, and my parents were able to join us.
Her birthday party was at a skating rink…even though she had never skated before. It was a lot of fun though! She wanted a “Hawaiian theme” so that’s what we did.
EK is in third grade, and is making all A’s on her report card. She LOVES math and is so good at it which cracks me up because I hate math and am horrible at it.
She wears a size 5.5-6 in shoes, and we have had to move up to adu
lt sizes! It’s sad because kids shoes are so much cuter, and cheaper! She is going to be sharing shoes with me (size 8) before long!
In clothing she wears a 10/12, definitely a 12 for pants for length.
She still loves her iPad, but also loves basketball which makes me so happy. She was allowed to try out for the school’s 4th and 5th grade team and made the varsity team! She plays on both, but we were so proud she even made it, let alone varsity.
She loves summer and camp, and went to basketball camp, gymnastics camp (we finally got her a trampoline and she flips nonstop), art camp, and VBS last summer. She also went to her first sleep away camp for a week and LOVED IT. We are already signed up for this next summer! She also got to spend time at the beach with my cousin which has been so fun for her and a huge blessing.
She still gets up early but I am starting to see signs of the ability to sleep in like a teenager. Over Christmas break she slept till 8 one morning which is insane for her.
She has decided she doesn’t want to be a veterinarian anymore “because of the blood” and now wants to be an “Instagrammer” and an actress. I told her she is definitely dramatic enough. Ha! She still does love animals though, especially dogs.
She is still a thrill seeker and thankfully Bobby does the rides with her. She did TRON for the first time and Guardians of the Galaxy which scared her a little bit but at least she tried it! Thankfully she still loves all things Disney and we went several times and enjoyed it very much!
Emma Kate is smart, sweet, super responsible, competitive, silly, encouraging, and fun. She has a big heart and loves to help out. Girlfriend can also be super bossy so we are having to reign that in. But I think most little girls go through that at some point!
We love this kid and can’t believe how grown she is. It needs to stop! It’s going way too fast for my mama heart. We are so proud of her and can’t wait to see what double digits brings in September!
Related: Emma Kate 8 Years Old

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