We are in double digits! I can remember back to other bloggers who have had babies in the past couple of years, and how fast it seems they approached their first birthday, and now it’s happening to me!
It’s getting harder and harder to get her to be still and look at the camera for pictures. I’m guessing by twelve months I will just have pictures of her backside as she’s running away from me!
It’s still incredibly hot outside, but we still go walking with friends when we can, but we go early in the morning. Emma Kate still loves her stroller and will fall asleep if it’s during nap time. (Thursday I ended up walking 8 miles because she fell asleep at the end of mile 4!)
Sleep is going excellent. Emma Kate goes to bed between 6:30 and 6:45 and sleeps until sometime between 6:30 and 7:00. She takes two naps a day, and they are from anywhere between 40 minutes and two hours, with the average being an hour and fifteen minutes. She loves her crib, and we recently started letting her sleep with a light blanket that she loves.
The biggest thing that happened this month is right after she hit 9 months, she started crawling! (We are also pulling up to standing now!) It was very slow and calculated at first, but now she is all over the house and getting into everything! She gets bored with her toys but of course loves getting into all the things she isn’t supposed to. I have done a lot of baby proofing and moving things, but some things have to remain where they are, and it’s a good opportunity to teach her “no”. And she still loves here baby carrier, click here to see 3 different kinds of soft structured baby carriers. They’re really great!
Eating is going great, too! Emma Kate is fairly adventurous and will try anything that we give her. She still eats some purees, but also loves finger foods like bits of ground beef, carrots, puffs, and even broccoli! She also has learned how to feed Bella, so now they are BFF’s.
A not so fun thing that happened this month is about ten days ago Emma Kate got SUPER whiny and clingy. She is a pretty independent baby, so this was out of character for her. She wanted me to hold her all the time and she wasn’t eating as much as usual. It finally occurred to me to check her mouth, and sure enough, we have two more teeth coming in making it 6 all together. There was about a week of a very unhappy child, but she is coming out of it now and back to her happy playful self.
Much to Bobby’s dismay, Emma Kate still won’t say “da da”. She says mama and ba-ba an babbled all the time though. When I say something like “where is Bella?” she will turn all around looking for the dog.
Emma Kate Loves:
-Crawling and exploring
-Eating, especially puffs and banana/vanilla yogurt melts
– Playing with my phone
– Music/songs on TV
– Daycare and other babies
– Peek-a-boo
– Ripping up paper
Emma Kate does NOT like:
– Getting her diaper or clothes changed
– Being told “no” (ha. Who doesn’t)
– When I take something away from her she isn’t supposed to have
– When I walk into a room she is in, then leave
I have started party planning a bit, and I can’t believe she will be ONE soon. This little girl has taught us so much and challenged us a lot. She’s so happy and giggly and at such a fun age. Here goes another month!
QOTD: Did your kids get really fussy when they were teething? What is your favorite party theme?

She’s getting so tall!! Love the pics! 🙂
Love the no. One of my friends had to tell her son no when he started reaching for her beer at a tailgate. Of course he started crying but that’s one fight he’s not going to win.
haha I bet! She loves cords so that has been the one big one we have had to be firm on.
Almost 9 months here. I also have a speed demon (I feel like i spend pretty much the whole day chasing her around), but no sign of any teeth yet. She doesn’t say any words yet, but she’s VERY vocal, especially if you’re not shoveling her food in fast enough 😉 We’re trying some baby sign language, but she just thinks it’s funny when I sign at her.
I think we’re doing a Minnie Mouse themed first birthday (red, not pink) so we can reuse some of the decorations from her baby shower. I’ve started pinning a few ideas, but that’s as far as I’ve gotten at this point.
We havent even attempted sign language, I have a feeling that would be a losing battle for me ha!
I’ve been lucky with teething with both kids. They didn’t mind too much. With my son, I tend to look in his mouth and say “Oh! There’s another tooth!” He turned 2 on the 25th. I still don’t know if his 2 year molars are in!
Some bday themes I’ve done for my daughter are Candy Sweet Shop, Minnie, Farm, Princesses, and we will be doing Alice in Wonderland tea party for her 5th. My son had whales last year for his 1st and sports balls yesterday for his 2nd. For the first, I did whatever I thought was cute because they didn’t care. After that, I did what they love (or choice if old enough). My son LOVES balls, so sports ball theme it was!
Those party themes sound so cute!
What a cutie! She’s getting so big so fast!!
Wow she is getting so big!!
She is getting so big!!! I can’t believe it! I see a Disney themed party in her future…maybe Minnie Mouse??!! And yes…my boys were so cranky when they were teething!