I can’t believe it. Emma Kate is officially 3 months shy of turning 2 years old! As I stated when she turned one, I would do quarterly updates on how she is doing, and it’s time for another one.
Things have changed quite a bit since EK was 18 months old. She now says tons of words, and has started putting short phrases together like “mama sit down” or “bye bye dada”. She still babbles a lot and I have no idea what she is saying, but communication is getting better which is so helpful in the tantrum department. Even if she can’t say it, she can point or show me what she wants or is trying to do.
She wears size 5 diapers, 2T clothing (about to get 3T sleepers because she is so long!) and a size 6 shoe. In May I bought her size 5 sandals and she outgrew them in a month! We went to the ear doctor for a follow up on her tubes, and she weighed 29.8 pounds!
She has gotten better about actually helping me put her clothes on and wants so badly to be able to put on her shoes and socks by herself. She doesn’t fuss much anymore when I change her diaper or clothes which is a nice change. She even likes wearing her bows now and doesn’t usually pull them out.
Emma Kate is still our fearless climber and I have caught her on the table more than once. She will push a basket to the back of the couch and flip over onto the other side. She can run really fast and likes to be chased around.
We have also had to introduce time out in the past couple months but she does well with it and apologizes and hugs us when she comes out. She has gotten better at listening and is starting to understand consequences. This absolutely doesn’t mean she is a perfect angel—she is quite strong willed, but I think she has a better understanding of rules now.
We bought her a water table and some water toys and girlfriend loves playing outside. It’s so hot though that the only time we can go outside IS to play in the water. When she is done playing and ready to go inside she says “bye bye wa wa” and waves and goes to the door. She cracks me up!
EK also loves books, she drinks a ton of water, she loves farm animals, and as of late has loved watching YouTube videos of dogs, people, and America’s Funniest Home Videos. I have had to be strict about watching things on my phone because she would do it all day long.
Whenever she sees a phone or camera she says “cheese” and tries to take a selfie. She is a clown and likes to put blankets on her head, boxes, anything to make us laugh. She will get an “ouchie” or “bo bo” and want everyone to kiss it for her. She loves eating with a fork and spoon even though she’s not very good at it. She has also started doing this thing where she takes all her toys in her room and puts them in her crib, or takes all the toys in the living room and puts the on the sofa. No idea why!
I can’t believe for my next update Emma Kate will be TWO YEARS OLD! Time sure does fly. We love our baby girl!
QOTD: When did your kids start REALLY talking a lot? Any other fans of America’s Funniest Home Videos?

Sweet girl! We must see her again soon!! Hard to believe it’s almost 2 years! WOW!
I know! It’s pure madness.
What a fun age she is now! You are so blessed! Any plans for child #2?
I loved putting blankets on my head and saying I was a ghost. I can’t believe she’s almost two!
I remember doing that, too!
Ellie is just a few weeks you get than Emma Kate and probably talks less. She doesn’t say words to tell me anything by she can say several if I tell her to. We’re working on getting her to realize that her words have power, so if she wants ice in her water for example, I ask her, “what’s the word?” and she usually will say it. But she’s very good at pointing and doing what I say, has been for a while. And her fine motor skills like feeding herself with a fork or spoon are really good for her age. Ellie is also a big climber and I’ve heard that kids who work on those things a lot might be later to talk.
That’s ok! All my friends with kids slightly older than EK all said that the talking just happened overnight around 22-24 months. I’m ready for it!