Good morning! Exciting news, I found out yesterday we close on our new home February 18!!! OMG! Less than two weeks! We are working out the logistics now with the bank, movers, etc. So many phone calls! I can’t wait to get in there and decorate and share pictures!
When I was interviewed for the article in Fit magazine (that hasn’t come out yet, don’t worry I will let you know!) One of the questions I was asked was along the lines of: “do you have any tips for someone working in a sedentary job to help keep them healthy and active.” I will admit, it caught me off guard. I thought this article was on my running journey, and my recent marathon accomplishment. Wanting to be truthful, it took me a minute. I ended up coming up with a few ways on the spot, and thought I would share them here. I used to work at a desk job (well, I do now but have a lot of flexibility) but my old job didn’t. I literally sat at a desk from 7:30-4:30 everyday except to go into the copy room to make copies, do the mail, fax something, etc. It is frustrating and boring, but there are ways you can still manage to get some exercise in during and after work in a time crunch.
1.) You don’t have to do it all at once.
I found a great article on Runners World that talked about just that. Basically, it said that if all you have is ten minutes at a time, it will still do some good, especially for novice runners. (I am assuming here this can apply to any type of cardio, not just running.) Of course, the longer you can workout the better, but just doing ten minutes at a time fifteen times a week has helped people lose weight and get more fit. So next time you get home from work and only have ten minutes of daylight left, don’t say “aw man I may as well not even run.” Go anyway! It will still do your body good.
2.) Look around where you work for ways to sneak in workouts during the day.
What do I mean by this? Walk to work. Park at the back of the parking lot everyday and walk briskly to your building. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Go to the bathroom on a different floor so you have to take the stairs more during the day. Can you do squats or lunges while you make copies at the copy machine? (You may want to make sure other people can’t see you do this. They may think you have serious psychological issues.)
3.) Use your lunch break wisely.
I have known people who really knew how to maximize their lunch hour by going for a run. You might be thinking ew, that’s gross you would get all nasty, but not if you do it right. Bring an extra pair of underwear, a towel or two, baby wipes, some makeup to touch up if you choose, and of course deodorant. You can fit in 30-45 minutes of working out this way and still not cause your coworkers to want to pitch in and buy you some hygiene products that will be anonymously left on your desk.
4.) Use your at home time wisely.
Yes, you are exhausted from a long day at work. You have fixed and eaten dinner and you just want to watch some tv. Ok, that’s understandable, but why not lift some hand weights while you watch tv, or do crunches during commercial breaks? I used to jump rope the entirety of commercial breaks and then rest while I watched my favorite shows. Or if you are lucky enough to have a treadmill or elliptical at home in front of a tv, then you really have no excuse.
5.) Keep Moving!
It seems so simple but yet so many Americans don’t do it. Just keep moving! Go for a walk with your kids while they ride their bikes next to you. Play the Wii with your family. (I can kick some serious butt in bowling!) Go to the park and bring a Frisbee or a football. Dance while you mop the floors (just don’t slip!) The point is, every little bit helps, and I know I feel happier and more energized on a day where I moved a lot as opposed to a day where I sat on my butt. Funny how that works! Don’t make sorry excuses for yourself anymore! It’s only February, there is still time to have a GREAT 2011!
Don’t forget to give yourself a pat on the back for how awesome you are. Once you start feeling better and having more energy, there is a good possibility you will want to do even more moving! So whether you have 10 minutes or 60 minutes, don’t let a sedentary job keep you down, as in in your chair!
QOTD: What is your best “fitting it in” tip?

That’s me with the lunch run! Going out for 3-4 miles today. You’ve got it covered with the change of underwear. That is probably the best thing to freshen up…side from the sink bath. Lol. Bring some body wash and body powder with your deodorant, too. I do have to say that the lunch run really only works if you have low maintenance hair. If you spend hours on your hair in the morning, lunch run may not be for you.
Other things are restroom exercises. Do a set of 10 squats, lunges, sink pushups, etc. every time you visit the facilities. If you are drinking a lot if water like you are supposed to, you will be making several trips a day. Lol. Great strength training! I am unable to work out at home because of my almost 16 month old, so I utilize the lunch run and restroom exercises to hopefully fight the inevitable flab…
haha you were mainly who I was talking about with the lunch runs!
Love the lunchtime tips! I’m all about quick changes in the ladies room.
and lol!
I work out at lunch most days because it is the best way for me to fit it all in!
thats great discipline! good job!
I get up early before work to fit my workouts in. It’s soooo hard to drag myself out of bed early, but after I finish my workout I feel so much better and it keeps me in a good mood the rest of the day. I also find it easier to eat healthy when I worked out in the morning.
thats great! I am with you, I love getting it out of the way then I feel so much better! But its so hrd to get up, esp when it’s cold!
YAY how exciting that you’ll be in the new house soon!
Lunch hour workouts rule. I used to do them even before I worked from home. I was lucky enough to have showers at my old job- but even not having them may not have deterred me. Baby wipes and dry shampoo work wonders! I know so many people who won’t workout during lunch b/c they won’t have time to do their hair. It’s so sad!
I always wore my hair in a ponytail anyway so it wouldn’t have made a difference haha!
how cool you had showers!
I started running during my lunch and its great. I don’t have to wake up early and my workout is done at night. I do some at night when I don’t run during lunch though. I think honestly, it has to be a priority.
you are so right. You really have to schedule it into your day sometimes or it won’t get done!
Great tips Heather and good luck with the moving! I bet it is exciting and scary at the same time
thanks girl!
I’m always jealous of people who can work out at lunch. I only get about 25 minutes from start to finish and I can’t leave school…but I do get home at 3:00 so I can’t complain! The kids keep me moving all day as it is. Great tips!
I hear ya! we had to eat WITH our kids, so we didnt even get a lunch break. but I got home at 3:45 so that was nice!
Congrats — good luck with the closing and the move!
thank you! 🙂