Aaahhhh it’s good to be home. Yesterday was a DISASTER. On my way out of town from my parents, I stopped at the Toyota dealership to get an oil change. Easy, right? Er- wrong. Very, wrong. On the way there a random light came on the dashboard and started blinking. I had no idea what it meant (4LO?) I kept praying I would just make it to the dealership! 3.5 hours later…they still don’t know what the problem is and I had to call my mom to come pick me up. Went BACK to their house for an hour, then the guy calls and says I can take my car but they have to order some part I cannot remember the name of and I have no diea of the function (is it really necessary?) so I have to go back later this week…ggrrr…So, I thought I would be home by about 11:30, have time to unpack, do some work, etc. But no. I got home at 5:00. I was quite cranky but very happy to see my husband and my puppies!
So, back to regular blogging. I survived what I knew would be one of the busiest/craziest days of my life, and lived to tell about it. But, more on that later. I also have a WINNER for you of the Adora giveaway!
The winner is…BRITTON! A big thanks to everyone who entered. Even if you didn’t win, go buy some Adora calcium disks, you can get them at CVS! Britton please e mail me so I can get you your prize!
While I am still trying to gather my thoughts from vacation + work trip, I thought I would just share some pictures with you today from the Running Skirts booth at the Wine and Dine half expo. It’s tough work but so much fun, I enjoy it so much!
Here I am with my awesome skirt helper Brandi day one of the expo.
The white paisley pattern and the clover were both really big hits at the expo. Of course, they are all so comfy to work in, and the compression socks really help with being on your feet all day.
Here is our booth! We got it up in record time thanks to some happy helpers.
Here is our day two. The arm sleeves were a HUGE hit, everyone loved them.
I love the hot pink strappy tank, it is so soft. Everyone at the expo was nice, and it was so nice to meet so many bloggers! I am sorry I don’t remember everyone’s name that I spoke to, but I so appreciate you all stopping by and saying hi! I absolutely love meeting readers and other bloggers, and it’s nice to put a name to a face. I apologize for not being able to chat long, but as you could see, we were so slammed! (hey, job security right?)
QOTD: Any car dealership horror stories? Long waits? random things wrong with your car?

Never ever take your car to the dealership. I used to take my Saturn and they would always screw me over. Find a local business with people you trust, they will take care of their customers.
I take it there b/c when i bought my car new last year it came with free oil changes and maintenece through 25k miles, also its still under warranty so for now it wont really matter. once its out of warranty I wont take it there. 🙂
Did your mom have fun in Disney?!?
I think I had something like that with my car too. I would only take it there if I had an issue.
She did. She didn’t want to come back! Thanks for helping her out.
aw yay I am glad she had a good time!
Yeah we have a local place we would noramlly go to. I actually went to the dealership by my parents house b/c its usually a lot faster….lol…hhmm…not so much now!
Ok, I lOVE the expo pics! I just bought the clover ls and the clover arm sleeves this weekend. I am waiting on a skirt until I can make up my mind which one to get. I may break down and get the white paisley, you girls made it look sooo cute! Glad your weekend went well. Love your blog!!
lllooovveee white paisley!
I think it’s an epidemic among Toyota dealerships lately. Ours has been so horrible we’ve ended up with hundreds of dollars worth of free service, plus free tires. Now that both of our warranties are up, we’ll probably go elsewhere since we don’t have to worry about voiding the warranty by not going to a dealership.
I ended up ordering the Heartstooth skirt, btw. Yay!
yes its def a problem!
oohh yay for heartstooth! did you like my nice to the point reply when you asked on twitter? lol!
Oh no! I’m so sorry to hear about your day yesterday 🙁 I love the arm warmers!
I love the arm warmers and matching skirt, so cute. Glad the trip went well, can’t wait to hear about it. Fun post!
The expo looks fun. And I kind of am in love with the compression sleeves. PS – ICK on the car place wait. Those places are always nightmares. thank goodness I have Peter who can handle most of the basic things like oil, brakes, etc.
once my warranty is up i will def take it elsewhere, but for now I have free oil changes etc. so I grit my teeth and smile through it lol! your husband is so handy!
Ugh – sorry your day did not go as planned. I’ve never tried arm warmers – but they look so cute!
The Expo looks like a ton of fun!! :0) so sorry about your car! Ugh that’s frustrating!
So glad we finally met at the expo! I’m looking forward to reading your half recap, and hope you’re feeling better.
thanks I feel great now!
Heather, thanks for a great giveway! Looking forward to giving these a try!!!!