Ok so as promised here is what we did on Father’s Day!
Sunday morning, I made pancakes for Bobby. Well….Star Wars pancakes. Let me explain. For Christmas in his stocking I gave Bobby Star Wars pancake molds from WIlliam Sonoma. I thought it would be EASY to use. The package says it is. Well, it was an EPIC FAIL! They kept sticking to the cut out even when I sprayed them with pam, they were hard to flip over, kept falling apart…what. a. mess. I ended up making one of each of the 3 molds then making the others regular round pancakes. Don’t buy these. It’s a joke.
Luke….I am your Father…SURPRISE! Great one for Father’s Day.
Yoda was cute and wise-looking…until I tried to get him off the griddle…
ok moving on. We loaded up and drove to my parents house and had a yummy lunch. There was lots of puppy playing. Yall. This dog is INSANE.
after lunch it was time for dad to open gifts.
why are my presents wrapped in birthday and girly paper?
I’m scared. What did yall get me?
WOW! I know what this is!
yall are the best kids a dad could ever ask for. I will now buy you whatever you want.
ya right I’m not buying you a think. That’s what your husband is for.
something to exercise with. Did mom make you buy this?
While Bobby hooked up the Wii to his best 50 inch TV, more Nola playing ensued.
then we put her up because my dogs were getting SO stressed out.
Time for fun Wii pictures! Dad was upset because when he did his BMI test it told him he was overweight and made his character fat.I about peed on myself I was laughing so hard.
mom hula hooping. Priceless.
seriously, who hula hoops like that? no wonder she failed miserably.
dad playing a balance game.
Now this next one was Hilarious. I made my sister and dad play sword fighting on Wii Sports Resort. If you have it, you know how comical it can be.
SO FUNNY. We had a good time. I just hope they actually play the dang thing, I’m having second thoughts, maybe I should of got him one of the best drones. I’m sure he wouldn’t just let that sit there.
Ok moving on….
So yesterday I went to the gym and ran on the treadmill. I did 4 miles in 39:30. I was proud, Since my disastrous half marathon in February, I have only run 4+ miles maybe 3-4 times. I was happy to know I haven’t backslidden (is that a word?) too far. I also did 15 minutes on the bike. Today I will do some strength training and maybe an easy run.
QOTD: Do you play video games with your family? What ones?
PS: Don’t forget, you can now book Disney packages for 2012. It’s FREE for you to use me to book your trip! Also, I can book non-Disney trips as well! heather@travelwiththemagic.com

Looks like you had a fun father’s day! Your mom on the wii is too funny!
Great job on the run! It’s amazing what our bodies can do sometimes 🙂
Ha! I love, love, LOVE that you bought your dad a Wii for Father’s Day! That is too funny! I remember, once upon a time, when video games were for kids! 🙂 It looks like your dad and the rest of your family had fun playing with it too!
PS – Your dog’s name is Nola?? LOVE IT! And I love that pic of y’all in your Saints gear in your header! WHO DAT!
we did have fun!
The golden is my sisters new puppy, Nola. sh eis moving to Houston so wanted to remember New Orleans by naming her Nola I guess. my two are Bella and sassy. 🙂
I love your captions, they are hilarious! I totally have those star wars pancake things, too, but I haven’t used them yet.
they are difficult, trust me!
Wii party is one of our favorites. Thanksgiving Day is the one holiday we have that’s just the four of us (me, wife and two daughters). I make a big breakfast and then clean up the kitchen, then my wife gets started on dinner (there’s really no point in having lunch). We never change out of our PJs and we watch the parade, then play games all day. We played Wii party for a total of 13 hours that day! It really is great for a party because most of the games are short and easy to learn so people can easily pop in and out.
that sounds like SO much fun! what a fun traditions. I am huge on holiday traditions!
I am obsessed with Phycho Nola. That is all. 🙂
*Psycho…sorry ha ha.
oh just wait, I have a video to post 🙂
I can never let my husband know that there are Star Wars pancake molds!!!!
haha! sshhhh
LOVE the wrapping paper! lol I went back and forth with buying my parents a Wii for Christmas. I didn’t do it because I was afraid they wouldn’t use it, but I think after reading your post I may get one for them this year. Too bad the pancakes didn’t come out 🙁 They looked really cute in the pan!
they also really wanted one for netflix purposes LOL!
I can so hear your dad saying all of that as he opened his presents! SO funny!!!! Glad y’all had a great day! So sorry about the disastrous pancake ordeal! :0( YAY for 4 great miles!!!!! Woohooo!
haha yeah he was being dorky when he opened them of COURSE!