It has taken me a month to get around to this, but it was fun looking back on my pictures and remembering our trip!
We arrived on Thursday. We flew this time which was really nice, and took Disney’s Magical Express to our hotel, the Boardwalk Inn.
We were staying in a beautiful Deluxe room (huge room with club level access) and we had plenty of room to all four spread out our things.
(this picture is actually from a different trip, but same room layout)
I was starving and getting nauseated because of it, so we walked down to the Boardwalk Bakery and grabbed some lunch. It was a beautiful day to eat outside.
Our luggage arrived after lunch, and we headed to the race expo to pick up our packets and bibs.
Beautiful flowers my friend sent me congratulating me on my pregnancy. I couldn’t share before because I hadn’t announced it yet!
View from our room
After the expo, we had dinner at Flying Fish, which was basically right below our room. It was nice not having to actually go anywhere after a day of travel. After dinner we watched a magician from our balcony.
The next day was the Royal Family 5k. We were up at 4:00, ran the race, came back for breakfast, then headed to Hollywood Studios. I had to BEG Bobby and my dad to wear their shirts and medals. They were not happy with me and my dad kept trying to hide and ditch his medal every chance he got. He kept saying there were no other men wearing the pink Cinderella medal, and when we finally found one we went up to him and thanked him! My dad’s reply was that he must have been a plant put there just for us to see. Haha.
We used our fastpasses and did a few things, and I started getting SUPER sleepy. I knew I was doing too much and needed a nap, but we didn’t have lunch reservations until 1:00! We tried to get seated earlier but they were slammed, so we sat outside on a bench waiting for our name to be called and I fell asleep on Bobby.
When we were seated, I wanted to lay down and fall asleep at the table. I felt so bad being such a bump on a log, but there was nothing I could do. Dad had fun coloring the kids menu I had asked for.
We went back to the hotel where I promptly fell asleep for two hours. We had no dining reservations that night, so we hung out at the hotel and just relaxed.
The next morning Mom and I ran the Enchanted 10k, and took the bus to the Swan then walked back to the hotel. I didn’t realize the race would still be going on by time we got back, so we stopped and cheered a bit on our way up to our room. Then when we made it upstairs I was able to cheer from the balcony, and even watch the last person go by, everyone was cheering it was really sweet.
We were supposed to go to EPCOT right after breakfast, but I was falling asleep eating breakfast, so I told mom and dad to go ahead and I slept for 2.5 hours. Bobby and I met them in EPCOT for a great lunch at Via Napoli though. After lunch, I went back to the room and took ANOTHER nap. (Yall, I just can’t explain it. I couldn’t keep my eyes open!) and then we had a great dinner with our friends Karen and Jason and Karen’s parents at one of our favorite’s Trails End buffet (she has all the pictures, sorry!) I am so glad I took two naps because we were still at dinner past 8:00, way past this pregnant lady’s bedtime for when I have to get up at 2:45! It was fun though.
Up next time….the 2nd and last part of our trip, two full days to go!
QOTD: When you runDisney do you nap after races or go to the parks? What about any race, do you nap after?

The Boardwalk Inn looks like a really nice hotel – huge room too! Love the pic of all four of you with your 5k medals at Hollywood Studios!
Whether I take a nap after a runDisney race is solely dependent on how much time we stay at Disney afterwards lol. If it’s a short trip then I definitely want to get the park time in, but if it’s an extended trip then definitely will take a nap and relax until the afternoon!
i’s a great hotel and so convenient. Highly recommended!
I just love Disney! So sorry you were so tired but you are working hard growing a baby! I’m normally don’t take naps after a race or when I’m in Disney. I have too much to do and see lol!
we always end up napping some in disney even without races b/c all the bad food we eat makes us so sleepy!
I’ve done two Disney races and I have not napped either time. This past January everyone went to MGM Studios while I stayed behind to ice, but I made my way over after wrapping up my knee. We didn’t get back to the Boardwalk until after an early dinner, and then some of us hit the hot tub.
Sorry you had to ice your knee but glda you were able to still go to the park. Be careful getting in hot tubs after races it can actually make your body swell and make recovery take even longer 🙂
I’m shocked, but I actually went straight to the parks after showering for both the 5k and the half. I guess it was too much excitement to sleep! I am so impressed that you ran all those races that weekend being as tired as you were, that took a lot of will power!
Thanks it really did, I have never been so tired!
Sounds like a great trip minus the fatigue! Your dad cracks me up!
he was in rare form the whole tirp
When at Disney I’m too excited to nap after a race and just want to get to the parks as quickly as possible, so by the end of Marathon Weekend and four early mornings for races we were definitely sleep deprived! But for all other races that I’ve run, I’ve either napped or relaxed after the race.
we did the parks after the 5k and 10k for marathon weekend but decided to nap after the half and full, so glad we did lol!
Your dad is too funny! The Boardwalk Inn looks beautiful. Sounds like you had a great time, even with all the napping. 🙂
I just felt like I missed so much with all the napping and I felt so sick 🙁 There will be other trips at least!
We always head back to the hotel, shower and nap for 1-2 hours. that way we feel rested before a small lunch and early dinner and can handle the parks but it’s also not a long enough nap to make us not want to go to bed early. also, coffee is definitely involved! :
I would be willing to bet that your ‘need for a nap’ had more to do with being in your first trimester of pregnancy than the run. I was SO tired ALL. THE. TIME. when I was first pregnant. (30 and 25 years ago)
I always want to nap, but end up at the parks. No time for a nap!
I’ve never run a disney race but I tend to take a nap after most of my races. I’m just not a morning person so I wake up and run a little tired and then go back and sleep.