Hi friends! Happy Monday! I trust everyone had a good weekend. The weather was beautiful here, sunny with highs up to the low 70’s. I haven’t seen the sun in what seems like forever, so I am getting some serious spring fever now.
I am so glad I decided to go back to monthly goals this year. I think it’s helping keep me on track, so let’s see how I did last month before diving into February.
1.) Read a book: A+! I read not one, not two, but THREE books this month, and it was wonderful! I forgot how much I love getting lost in a good plot line. Must do this more and turn OFF the TV.
2.) List baby items for sale: B+: I listed SOME baby items for sale but not all. I was able to sell a whole bunch at once to a sweet neighbor having a baby girl soon, and I have listed some more expensive pieces on Facebook. I still have a few things in the garage but not near as many.
3.) Go to boot camp 3-4 x’s a week: A+ I have been to boot camp four days a week every week, except for the week we were on the cruise, obviously. I’m really proud of myself, because Fridays in particular are hard to make myself want to go, but I have been sticking with it and seeing results in the form of gaining muscle. I have gained a POUND of muscle in a month, yall. I’m super proud.
4.) Run twice a week: B- I did this every week except for one week I only ran one time, so I am giving myself a B. This of course doesn’t count the running we do at boot camp. I typically do one short 3 mile run then a longer run of 5+ miles. Taking advantage of this nice weather is a must.
From a NOT warm run in January
5.) Foam roll after long runs: F: No two ways about this one, I just failed. Really, I just forgot. I’m so out of the habit that I just never remembered. I foam roll after boot camp but REALLY need to make an effort to do so after long runs. My right hip has been tight so I definitely need it.
So, what are my goals for February? As a person who doesn’t like to leave things undone, I am going to take my big fat F from January and put it at the top of my February list.
1.) FOAM ROLL AFTER LONG RUNS: Do ya hear that, self? Just do it. Must do it.
2.) Daily devotions: I have been doing well with this on daycare days, but the days I am home all day with Emma Kate are just harder in the morning, which is a terrible excuse. I need to start doing them at night on those days.
3.) Walk the dog more: Yall, it’s been cold. I haven’t been walking the pup like I did in the fall. She weighs nine pounds so she gets exercise running around the house, but she loves being outside. I just need to do it.
4.) Limit night time snacking: We eat dinner early because of the little one, so this leaves me wanting a snack around 7:30 or 8:00, which is fine, but I eat too much and all the wrong things. I want to limit myself to one fun sized piece of chocolate, and if I want anything else it needs to be more healthy.
That’s all I’ve got for now. Here’s to a great February!
QOTD: What is one thing you want to do in February?

I was just thinking this morning that I should break my yearly/quarterly goals down further into monthly goals. Limiting the snacking at night is big for me also. My husband was gone pretty much every night in January taking a class, so it was way too easy for me to plop down with some wine and/or chocolate after getting Ellie to bed. Bad habit!
I do the same! It’s like I am rewarding myself for making it through the day ha
I really got spring fever this weekend. Both days were gorgeous and I ran outside, had my car windows down when I was driving, and I had the back door and windows open in the apartment. Gotta air things out before it gets cold again.
I know! totally enjoying it before it gets cold again.
Yay for the reading!! I set a reading foal of 52 books this year, so I love seeing other people looking to read more as well. 🙂
wow that’s a lot! Good luck!
I would love to start reading books again! But when I finally sit down to relax is so much easier to watch a repeat episode of Friends or Big Bang and just veg out! Bad I know.
I also have been terrible at foam rolling.
Girl the weather was gorgeous this weekend! Not ideal for the half marathon I ran on Sunday (it was so hot and humid) but perfect in all other ways! Great job on last month’s goals! And good luck this month!