Hi! It’s raining here, so no running today (not that my knee is cooperating anyway, ggrr…) Anyway, I made it home about 10:00 last night, and I am still tired this morning. luckily I have the rest of the weekend to catch up on sleep and unpacking etc.
Yesterday morning we had breakfast and left early and drove about 1.5 hours to Louisiana.
Skirted up in: Midnight RS, Sparkle hearts strappy tank, pink swift sox, and pink half zip
We DID get lost ones, because there was a lot of construction/detour stuff, but we made it to my next appointment.
Dis-assembling and re-assembling the rolling rack 13 times got really old, but I think I have it down to a science now!
After that, we drove 3.5 hours to Lafayette for my next appointment, and then we met Karen for lunch at McAlisters! (duh, where ELSE would we eat?)
The my mom and I drove back to my parents house…right through baton Rouge Friday afternoon 5:00 traffic. Holy moly. We sat at a standstill inching forward for 45 minutes. It took us FOREVER to get back. After being in the car since 7 am, and knowing after I let my parents I still had over an hour to drive I was getting unhappy. 3 hours later, we made it to my parents and I got to see my NOLA BEAR! She is getting HIUGE, but still just as spastic. SO spastic in fact, it is near impossible to get a picture of her being STILL!
wwweeeee I go round and round
sit? sit? what does that mean? I don’t kknnnooowwww
I am a lap dog yes I am!
I like to pounce on things like a cat, and can now jump in the chair all by myself!
I love you and I don’t even know you!!!!
Ok I will be still for ONE picture and one picture only…ccchheeessseee!
WHEW! She wears me out. I drove home after dropping my mom off and it was so good to see hubby and my pups! Also so nice to sleep in my own bed. Road trips are fun, but home is better.
Here is a little run down of my trip.
Stores visited: 13
Miles driven: over 1,900
Hours driven: 1 day 12 hours (my mom only drove about 3 hours!)
Number of 1 way streets I went the wrong way up: 1
Number of workouts: 1
Amount of $ spend on tolls: around $23
Number of hotels stayed in: 3
fast food eaten: too much
times we got lost: 1
here is an idea of the route we took leaving from Mississippi…yeah. A giant circle.
Thanks so much for following in my travels! I will now be back to regular blogging…temporarily…because….
I AM GOING TO ROCK N ROLL PROVIDENCE! That’s right folks, I will be working the Running Skirts booth at the expo! I am so excited! So, who is going to be there? hhmmm?
QOTD: Do you like road trips? what was your most fun one?

Yay! Hope ya’ll had a wonderful, but brief stop in Lafayette 🙂
traffic was awful lol! but McAlisters was good!
And the stoplights…omg…they take forever to get through! LOL
I love your shoes!! Zoots are my favorite! I’ve been following your blog for a while and I just had to post to compliment your shoes, haha! Sounds like a crazy trip, but running skirts products are great so hopefully it was a successful trip!
thanks! we actually sell zoot on our website, and newton!
Whew! What a trip! Hope it was successful! I loved all your skirt outfits! I really love this one too. Haute pink and navy is my favorite combo! I really think I need to get the pink sox…
So excited you get to go work an expo! Do you get to run it too?
Ugh so sorry about BR traffic! Crazy! Glad you finally made it home safe and sound! Nola puppy….too cute!!!
I LOVE your outfits!I want your job!
and dogs that don’t sit still…i have an almost 10 yr old red doberman that’s near impossible to get a pic of he, he still acts like a pup!
hmm road trips….not the funniest but when you were posting about the corn and more corn I was cracking up remembering my blog from 2 summers ago that was nearly the same! http://www.taraburner.com/travel/things-learned-while-traveling.php going thru Illinois and into Wisconsin!
No matter how good the trip was and how its nice to spend some extra time with your mom it really makes you appreciate home when you return. Glad to hear you had a safe & succesfull trip.
Providence, RI?! That is only a couple hours from my house!!
Hi, I have followed your blog for a few weeks now. I will be running the Rock n Roll Providence 1/2, and will be wearing a new Running Skirt (the pink, orange and white argyle)!
awesome! PLEASE come by and say hi at the running skirts booth!