We left off after our Magic Kingdom day. Now it was time for Hollywood Studios! I set my alarm so I could wake up and try and get Rise of the Resistance, and I got it! I moved as fast as I could and we were group 50 something, so crazy how fast it goes!

We got to Hollywood Studios before opening, and headed straight for the Runaway Railroad line. It looks long but it moves really fast. Bobby was actually on a work call the whole time we were in line and got off about 30 seconds before we got on the ride. Perfect timing! I was starting to get nervous.

After that, we walked to Toy Story Land where lines were already getting long and waited in line for Alien Swirling Saucers.

We honestly didn’t take a lot of pictures this day which is REALLY weird for me, so I don’t remember exactly what all we did and the order in which we did it, but I think we did Toy Story Mania after this one.

We had a lunch reservation at Mama Melrose but had a little time to kill, so we walked into some shops and I was so happy to see runDisney merchandise! It was mainly long sleeve/winter stuff so I didn’t get anything, but it still made me happy to see it!

We have debated the past 3 trips on if we should bring the stroller or not, and I am always so glad we do. On the walk back to lunch from the front of the park, girlfriend took a little rest.

Lunch was a nice break from the crowds, and while good, it wasn’t AS good as it’s been in the past. My steak was way overcooked, and we asked for light sauce for EK’s spaghetti and instead it was drowning in marinara. Hopefully just an off day because we have really enjoyed going there.
After lunch it was time for us to ride Rise of the Resistance. Hooray! After our last trip where it broke down when we went up for our return time, I was nervous it was going to happen gain. We actually flew through the que and got on the ride rather quickly. We did the first “part”, saw the stormtroopers, and were about to walk into our interrogation room…

And literally right before we were to walk into the room, we were told to take a seat on the ground if we wanted because the ride was broken. Noooo! So we sat…and we sat…and we sat. EK had to potty of course, so a CM took us backstage to a bathroom.

After about 35 minutes, the ride was up again, and we were legit the first people on it since it broke, which made me pretty nervous, but we survived! After that, we headed back to Toy Story Land and rode TSM again.

I can’t remember what else we did, but I know we were getting pretty tired. Emma Kate wanted to swim, and it was supposed to turn cold the next day so I knew it was our last shot. As we headed out, we saw these guys.

We made it back and to the pool, and Emma Kate found a friend to play with, jackpot! Bobby and I split a Dole Whip, and we chilled at the pool for several hours which was just what we needed.

We ended up just ordered from Captain Cooks again (yay more pulled pork nachos!) and eating dinner by the pool. It was so relaxing and there were like 4 families there. I needed to do some laundry in the building next to ours, so Bobby kept EK at the pool and I went back to the room to start packing up a bit and putting the laundry in. (remember Emma Kate had one pair of pants she had already worn twice and we needed them again the next day!) We just chilled in the room and I finished up the laundry and we got packed up. We were sad to leave the Poly the next day, but we had a fun day ahead at a new to us restaurant in Tampa and then Busch Gardens!

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