I got home from Disney yesterday evening. You may have noticed a lack of updates and tweets in the past couple days…and for good reason. Friday night I came down with my first case ever of food Poisoning.
This joyous occasion marked another first…my first time throwing up…ever. Don’t ask me how I made it to almost 27 without ever doing this, but I did. I also certainly did not think my first (and second and third) time would be at my favorite place on earth.
Let’s just say Friday night and all day Saturday and Saturday night sucked. I almost let Bobby take me to the ER Saturday night. Then, the 8.5 hour drive home yesterday was a real treat. I am still very weak and queasy, but am hoping to be back to normal soon so please stick with me.
Hope your weekend was better than mine. 🙂
*Don’t forget to enter the Under Armour sweepstakes, for your chance to win a $500 Under Armour giftcard and be sure to sign up for the new campaign! Also be sure to post your comments in the right place with live fyre

So sorry to hear this! I hope you feel better soon!
Ugh! No fun. But I must say I am amazed you have never vomited prior to this. That’s pretty insane. Feel better VERY soon!
Ugh… sorry to hear that.
Hope you feel better soon!
And yes, it is amazing that you never threw up before.
ugh, hope you feel better soon!
Oh no. Not good at all. I hope you feel better soon
Oh no! That is the WORST sickness ever! I hope you are feeling 100% better soon!
Oh noooo! You poor thing. Although I can’t believe you went your whole life without ever throwing up. That’s insane! Hope you get to feeling better soon!
isn’t it crazy? We were starting to think I was missing a gag reflex or something!
Hope you feel better soon! 🙂
Hugs! Take care of you and feel better soon.
thank you!
🙁 I hate that you got this sick on vacation. I hope you feel better soon!
I’m so sorry you have to go through that! I hope you feel better!
ugh… hope you feel better soon. Think of it as a “cleanse.”
Ohnoo, feel better!
oh no that’s the worst! Feel better!!
OMG!! hope you are feeling better!!! thinking of you
Oh no!!!!! That sounds horrible, I hope you feel better soon. Do you know what it was from? And how have you NEVER thrown up before???!!!! That is so shocking!
Ugh!! That sounds horrible!! Hope you are feeling better!!