Finally Friday again friends! My week felt super short since I was out of town until Wednesday afternoon. I am enjoying the beautiful weather while I can because it’s supposed to get hot again Saturday, nnnooo! What a tease fall, what. a. tease. Oh, good news, I officially am running Rock N Roll Savannah, and working the Running Skirts booth. SO EXCITED! I love working expos!
I know I have been sporadic with with my Friday favorite’s posts, but sometimes I just have other things I want to say on Fridays. Oh, not to mention, I am still hosting a TNT raffle, just getting everything lined up before it goes live, hopefully next week, so stay tuned. Lots of amazing things donated for it!
Ok, so this Friday favorite is something I am totally and completely obsessed with. I was made a believer, and now I want to share with you guys! I first heard about CWX tights this summer when fellow running skirts rep Paige told me they were necessary for getting through working long expo hours and then attempting to run the half or full marathon after the expo. When I ran Rock N Roll Providence my legs ached SO BADLY, so I knew I had to remedy this ASAP if I was to ever have a semi-decent race while working.
Me and Paige in San Diego
Now, don’t get me wrong, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the running skirts run love compression socks. They are awesome for racing and recovery, and I wear them for both, but when I need something for my upper legs and hips, I have to use something else since the socks only come up to my knees.
Me and Nola love running skirts compression socks!
I honestly didn’t see how a pair of full length tights were going to make THAT much of a difference in recovery but they really, really, do! I wore them last weekend after Bobby and I ran a hard ten miles. I wore them all day long and took them off right before bed. The next morning, Bobby was moaning and groaning about how sore he was, and I, other than a SLIGHT soreness in my right hammie, felt GREAT and refreshed!
The only downsides to these babies are that they are difficult to get on because they are SO tight, and they make me look like a dolphin trainer. Put a whistle around my neck and send me to Sea World, I would totally fit in!
I speak dolphin. and Whale. Dorrie taught me.
Another downside I didn’t mention is the price. These babies are NOT cheap, but in my opinion they are totally worth it. They retail for anywhere from $65-$100 dollars, (they have different styles) and the ones I got were $65. (now $70 on the website.)
I plan to sleep in these babies every night when I am working expos, and before races after working expos…and after long runs….and basically I want to wear them all the time, and since I work from home, I just might do it.
If you have questions about the benefits of compression drop me an e mail or check out this compression socks post!
QOTD: Do you wear compression socks or tight? Do you like them? What kind/brand do you wear?

LOVE my CW-X tights and other compression recovery gear! Reading this post this morning reminded me that I forgot to pack my compression stuff in my travel bag last night – and I have an 18 miler on tap tomorrow morning!!! Ack! Guess I’ll be swinging back by the house before I head out. Thanks for a VERY timely post!
Compression socks were always lost on me b/c it’s my hips that burn after hard runs and races, not lower legs. These seem like a great idea! Jeff wants a compression full body suit, seriously. They make them but they’re super pricey!
I’ve never tried compression gear for recovery, but I think I may have to check these out. I haven’t started any long running yet, but do some pretty intense leg workouts, so I think these would held with the soreness I feel in my quads afterwards. Thanks for the tip!
I have compression sleeves that I love to wear during long runs and I have been DYING for a pair of these tights since you first posted about them. I thought they’d be like $100 so it’s nice to see they’re a little less!
I totally want to get some CW-X, but have balked at the price. Maybe if I start running more…or goofy?
I wear compression socks both after runs if needed and when I fly to help prevent potential blood clots! Those tights look fantastic…and like you belong at Sea World:) Glad you found something that was really helpful though!
Yes I fly in my running Skirts Compression socks. Love!
It’s true they’re pricey, but I’ve started wearing my tights in races pretty often. I don’t even keep them on after the race… I change out into my compression socks. I’ve found that even after a full, I seem to bounce back more quickly.. which has been worth it, haha.
Ive never work compression socks but I’m currently comparing lots of brands bc I want/need some and am not sure what kind to get
Running Skirts! Great compression and great price point!
I wish you were doing Vegas too, any chance?! I have the socks and I have the shorts, maybe it is time to invest in the tights. Do you have the socks? I agree, putting on these things is crazy crazy hard oh well totally worth it. i absolutely wear mine all day after a hard run and even to sleep sometimes
not doing vegas to my knowledge. I wish!
I only wear running skirts compression socks (which rock!) and then the cwx tights when I need something for my thighs/hips.
sign up for vegas 😉 lol bring those lovely skirts with you. might have to try out the tights come winter. thanks for the review.
would love to if someone would pay for it for me lol!
Oh my goodness – I was JUST telling my husband about compression tights (after he saw me shivering in the ice bath) and he told me to get some! I’ll definitely have to look into these. And…I love the whale trainer and Dory reference 🙂
haha I loathe ice baths! I’m a wimp in the cold!
I have aches and pains in my knees the day after long runs so I may need to consider the tights instead of compression socks or sleeves. The price has always kept me from buying the tights but it is better than ice baths! Love that you are rocking the Seaworld look, and I wish you were working the Vegas Expo. Would love to see you there.
I know I wish i was working it too! 🙁