Happy Good Friday everyone! I would have to say good Friday is the best Friday of the year. I hope everyone is having a great day! I am excited for the weekend, Bobby is working today but is off on Monday, 3 day weekend!
Thanks for all the encouragement about my decision to run with Team in Training. My donation page is up and running and you can visit HERE. Remember, every little bit helps!
Last night Bobby and I did something we do every Easter, and something I have done every year since I was a small child. We Dyed Easter Eggs!
We love taking the “magic crayon” and writing on our eggs
Honestly, we were not as creative as we have been in the past. It was 9:30 at night and I was tired, so we just did some basic stuff. Usually I will do multi colors and spend a lot of time writing/drawing on my eggs.
Here are the finished products!
yes that would me my sad attempt at a cross.
Here is a fun flashback for you all…
Easter 2007
Easter 2008
Bobby looks so young! Too funny. As you can see we are all about traditions around here!
Oh, you want to know who won the AURIA earphone giveaway? Well, that would be comment #66, Corey from The Runner’s Cookie! Congrats Corey! email me and I will get your earphones out to you! A big thank you to everyone who entered the giveaway, we had 118 entries for it. A big thanks to AURIA as well for hosting the giveaway!
If you have been reading my blog for any length of time, you know why my faith and good Friday are super important to me. On this day many years ago, the greatest gift was made possible for anyone who wants it. If you have any questions about this or would like someone to talk to, PLEASE feel free to e mail me at runningwithsass AT gmail DOT com.
I hope you all have a FABULOUS day! I am heading to my parents for the weekend tomorrow afternoon after a church service project. I will try to get on here and blog tomorrow before we leave, but won’t be blogging on Easter Sunday.
QOTD: Do you dye Easter eggs? Do you have any Easter Traditions? Sunday we will go to church then have a big lunch afterwards! Growing up we had an Easter egg hunt, too! Oh and my sister and I wore matching dresses and bonnets to church. Oh yes we did!

Aw fun! Love the bright colors and the fact that you have a tradition! 🙂
We used to have really great easter egg hunts at my grandparents house. They had 10 grandkids, so you can imagine how much fun that was! I liked making and decorating cookies the best. Maybe I will have to make some…
I wore bonnets to church, too! LOL We are so children of the 90’s! Hahaha! Love the Easter eggs! Looks like fun! :0)
I should say that I wore bonnets to church on Easter Sunday….not every Sunday! LOL
Aww so fun! I love the flashback to past years too. 🙂 We always dye Easter eggs too and I love it! 🙂
So excited I won!!
We have an Easter egg decorating tradition in our house too 🙂