BBbbbrrrr! I am sitting by the fire as I type, and baby, it’s cold outside! Last night was equally cold as we ventured out for dinner. We saw a huge sign at the intersection stating that the new Frozen Yogurt spot I have been drooling over for a couple months, Local Culture, was finally open! Despite the frigid night temps, I told Bobby to save room, we were going for dessert!
The décor is funky and hip. I was sad for just a minute when I remembered this location used to house my oh so missed Frosting cupcake store that sold the to die for wedding cake cupcake, but my sadness quickly disappeared when I did some taste testing!
Bobby had a major taste testing #fail and got fro yo all over the place. Way to go Bobby. Please don’t claim that your broken nose caused this. Oh, I forgot to mention. Bobby got his nose broken coaching tumbling Thursday night. He was spotting a girl doing a back handspring and she wacked him in the face.
He may kill me for this but it’s TOTALLY worth it. And no, he isn’t crying, his eyes just would not stop watering!
Poor thing. His nose is huge. Well, it’s big anyway, but bigger than USUAL I mean. Just kidding! sort of. Ok so back to fro yo. I ended up getting a mix of cookies n cream and cheesecake with oreo and heath bar pieces on top.
Bobby copy catted me and got the same kind but with fruit toppings. I really hate a copy cat. Make your own decisions, dude! :o)
There were plenty of places to sit, but only one other couple inside. Oh, I forgot, the temps were dipping into the 40’s. Maybe that had something to do with it? I think I am still trying to thaw out!
It really hit the spot, and we will be coming back! The watermelon and pomegranate were both really good when I sampled them!
After all I ate tonight I am going to have to do about a million crunches since, you know, I can’t run in my stupid boot.
Today we are finishing up our outdoor Christmas lights and Bobby has a cheer competition he is in today and coaching. oh yes, I will be there, and I will be video taping the thing for your enjoyment. You can thank me later.
Speaking of Christmas lights, I LOVE seeing other people’s lights. One of my favorite things to do as a kid on Christmas eve was go around looking at all the lights. So, email me a picture of your house all lit up for Christmas to and I will do a collection and post them on the blog closer to Christmas. Kind of like a virtual ride around to look at lights. sound good?
QOTD: What is your favorite Fro yo TOPPING? I love strawberries and cherries, but the heath bar bits were SO good!

I was wondering why I hadn’t seen any “cupcake” posts recently. I guess the store closing would explain it! Pomegranate froyo sounds delicious! I love anything cake batter flavored. mmmmm….
oh I LOVE cake batter!
The picture of Bobby cracks me up! I don’t like that he has a broken nose, of course, but I was just sick this past week and sometimes I just sit on the couch with tissues up my nose because my nose won’t stop running!
oh no I hate that! yeah he was pathetic.
My favorite FroYo toppings are Oreo cookies and raspberries! I love those places where you can make your own. We have one here in Cali that if you guess the correct weight of your yogurt, it’s FREE! I still have yet to actually get it right, but it gives me a reason to keep trying (and eating!).
oh thats so cool! never heard of that before!
So, on a scale from 1-10, 10 being the bomb, how good is cheesecake froyo!!
I would give it a 7.8!
I’m crazy about chocolate chip cookie dough bites and marshmallow cream on my fro yo.
now I”m craving frozen yogurt- those look so good!
Gee…thanks for posting the wonderful picture of me…
you’re welcome.