Hi there! I’m Jennifer from A Knack for Nutrition where I blog about my love of food, exercise, and running. I have completed 2 half-marathons thus far and recently took a huge leap of faith and registered for the 2012 Walt Disney World Marathon! I did not make this decision lightly though…oh no. You see, for as long as I can remember Disney has been apart of my life. Like Heather, my family and I never tire of visiting the mouse. Some of my most significant life experiences happened at Disney World. It is where I lost my first tooth, got my first period (TMI? I think so…), and found my love of running (Disney family fun run what what!?). So I knew once I made the decision to run a marathon that the only place I wanted to cross the finish line was Walt Disney World. Running a marathon is going to be one most challenging things I will ever do. At this point I am not even sure I have completely wrapped my head around the significance of what I have set out to accomplish. During my previous half-marathon training plans I diligently followed a schedule and refused to miss a single workout. As you can imagine, burnout set in several weeks prior to the race and I was happy for a break from running once the races were complete. Laying low is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it gives me plenty of time to engage in different types of exercise (I’m looking at you CrossFit and BodyRock TV), but on the flipside I can’t help but cringe knowing that I have lost endurance. I know I will build it back up over time, but running 5 miles while feeling like you’ve run 20 is a bit frustrating. Official marathon training begins September 9th so until then I intend to just keep plugging along and running for fun! I will be documenting my entire training process on my blog,so I hope you stop by and check it out! Thanks Heather for allowing me to guest post!

Good luck w/the training….
I need to get serious and train for the Princess half…I was hoping I’d do it in 2012 but the way this year is going I’m likely looking at 2013 instead.
Best to you in your training!
I’m kinda jealous! Really hoping to do the princess half sometime….all the best in training…you can make it!
I can’t wait to sign up for a RunDisney race again soon! I can totally relate with the family celebrating everything in Disney. Looking forward to following your training!