Happy November my friends!
I can’t believe there are only 2 months left in 2018. Weren’t we just taking down the tree and setting goals? Not that I’m complaining, because these next two months are my favorite time of year. But before we start singing Jingle Bells and trimming the tree (do people actually trim trees? IDK. Ours is fake) let’s look back at our Halloween with Emma Kate:
We attended a trunk or treat at a local park on Monday night. Some people were really creative with their setup which made it fun! EK decided to go as Rapunzel for this one.
She was just a tad excited.
The line moved pretty fast, but a few people did start running out of candy!
This was my favorite one of the night. She had to “walk the plank” to get her candy.
The poor fireman ran out of candy, I think Emma Kate got the last piece!
We are visiting family in Mississippi, so my parents sent Emma Kate a card and stickers.
We let her watch Hocus Pocus this year, and she literally watched it every day, multiple times a day, for 3 weeks. So, of course, she was pumped to wear her Hocus Pocus dress all month. She also painted a pumpkin (see below) and she chose this “pose” all on her own haha.
Halloween night was a bit confusing. It was supposed to rain, so some neighborhoods decided to trick-or-treat the night before. We didn’t know this, so on Halloween night we kept an eye on the street as it got dark…there were no trick-or-treaters. It was 6:45, so I panicked and we threw EK in the car and started driving. We went to two neighborhoods…no kids. FINALLY, we made it to a 3rd one that had tons of lights on and tons of trick or treaters and ended up meeting some of the sweetest people. I’m so glad it worked out this way, it was a great, low key night and we only got rained on a little bit for a few minutes.
At every house, Emma Kate asked to pet the owner’s dog…and we were even invited in a couple times. I love the south! She was more excited about the dogs than the candy!
That night well really the next morning at 3:00, the rain DID come, int he form of tornado warnings. Sirens going off, etc. We got up and watched the weather for over an hour until we felt it was safe to go to bed (after it was downgraded to a watch). Not my favorite way to wake up at 3:00 am, but we are safe and still had a wonderful holiday!

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