This past week we celebrated Sassy, my firstborns, 10th birthday! I cannot believe she is ten. The years have flown by. I still remember driving with my mom to go get her, I was a Junior in high school. We got her in September, she was about 6 weeks old, from a lady’s home where she bred toy poodles.
(this is not when we got her, none of my baby pics of her are scanned.)
I still remember the little pink bows in her hair, and how tiny she was, and how curious our cat, Snookie, was of her. From day one, Sassy has been a very people pleasing, submissive dog. She never chewed up the furniture, and was house broken so easily. She has a great temperament, but is afraid of EVERYTHING. She “talks” a lot and loves to be rubbed with your foot on her chest.
She comes when she is called, and can sit, shake, lay down, stay, and roll over.
Bella is such a little terror compared to Sassy.
Unfortunately, Sass does NOT like her little sister. Bella tries to be close to Sassy, but Sassy will have none of it, sadly.
Sassy is the kind of dog everyone wants to have. I never have to worry about her misbehaving. She is my goody-two-shoes dog. Sometimes she walks around looking depressed so her nick name is “Eeyore.” Bobby calls her the step child because when he married me I already had her, and my dad said she was part of the package…if he wanted to marry me, he had to take the dog, too!
SO, Happy tenth birthday Sassy! Mom and Dad love you! (and sissy loves you, too!)
Bobby and I got up and ran 6 miles this morning. We ended up getting into a deep conversation so we weren’t paying much attention to pace and went slower than I wanted. Whoops! Even at 8:00 it was so hot and muggy, but we did it. I can’t wait for some cooler temps, hopefully I will feel a lot faster! Have a great Saturday all. We have a neighborhood BBQ to go to tonight, our “Founder’s Day” BBQ!
***Today is the LAST day to enter my RAFFLE! Winner will be announced TOMORROW! Please please go check it out. Only costs $5.00 to enter and you could win some great stuff! Raffle page here.
QOTD: Do you celebrate your pets birthdays?

We had a dog named Sassy when I was growing up! She was a dalmation-daschund mix (shape of a daschund (but bigger), dalmation coloring – she was so odd looking). I recognize my cat’s birthdays every year, but don’t really “celebrate,” per say.
Happy Birthday Sassy! She is so cute – and so is Bella. We have 2 cats and 1 dog and we do celebrate birthdays the best we can. All 3 are rescues and we have an approximate birthday for each, but don’t really know the exact dates they were born. The cats get tuna or shrimp and a new mousey and our dog gets some kind of yummy treat and toy.
Awww Sassy! Happy Birthday!!!! :0)