Two posts in one day?!? what is wrong with me? I hope you are having a great Friday. I just wanted to mention a couple of things I left out of my last post.
The first of which being Bobby and I ran again last night, 3 more hilly miles, followed by some coconut water drinking. I look sweaty because well…it was really hot and humid, and the sun wasn’t even out!
Second thing, today is my LAST DAY of 6 weeks to 6 pack and well…I don’t have a 6 pack. Not even close. More on that next week so stay tuned for all the deets….
third thing is, my Bella Stink turns THREE today! In case you are lost and wondering why I call my precious furball stinky, here it is: She is bad. I mean into everything, nonstop craziness bad. She gets into everything and anything and is so spunky. We started calling her a little stinker because she is so bad, and ten it evolved to calling her stinky and stink. I know, I know, it’s weird, but it fits her, trust me! (I have even been known to throw in a “stinker bell” or “bellzers” or embarrassing things like that)
Anyway, she is 3 now, but still acts like a crazy 6 week old puppy. I thought you may enjoy some of my favorite pictures of the stink. We got stinky at 5 weeks old.
Here she is the day we brought her home:
everyone say “aaawwwwww”
she was like a cotton ball with arms and legs
slightly bigger than a coke can
By June she had gotten a little bit bigger
and July
but she still looked tiny when she was wet
but eventually we had to start getting her groomed
Stinky loves people food
and is VERY MUCH a lap dog
She loves looking out the window
and likes Disney like her mama
Last winter we discovered her love for snow
as in, stick your face in it and run like you are going under a blanket
and, watch out if you are taking warm towels out of the dryer. She will be on top of them in a heartbeat
but apparently does NOT like hats
I have loved every minute of the three years we have had her (well…except when she pees on my carpet or digs in the trashcan…but anyway….) She is so much fun to have around and I always have a fun story to share about her! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BELLA!
QOTD: Do you celebrate pet birthdays?

Oh my gosh she is so darn cute! I love Bella! :0) Happy Birthday girl! Hope your mom and dad treat you today!! :0)
I have weird names for my cat too! Bella is so adorable though. That’s great you are running team in training! How exciting!
Bella is so cute!!! My brother has two miniture/toy poodles. They are so fun and cute! Happy Birthday Bella!!!
Oh my gosh, she is so adorable!!!! Especially her baby pictures, what a little doll. Happy Birthday Bella!!!!
We celebrate my cat’s birthday, she turned 18th earlier this month 🙂
Love your running skirt btw. And happy birthday to her, she’s adorable!
So cute and little! Love all the pictures!