So today I turn a quarter of a century old just before 1:00 pm. I actually feel old this year. Not sure why. Maybe because 25 seems like a momentous birthday. Halfway through the 20’s. Halfway to 30 from the 20’s. Closer to 50. Yikes!
OkΒ enough with being depressing. I woke up this morning to a decorated living room. Here is a taste:
Then Bobby and I went on a quick 3 mile run. I wasn’t really feeling it so we walked some. I think we are going to go to lunch and then see Toy Story 3!! Then tonight my small group Bible study is taking me to dinner. I can’t wait!
Also…still working on my patience and waiting…Hoping some of it will be resolved today. I hate feeling anxious, and I especially shouldn’t have to feel this way on my birthday!
Hope everyone has a great day, July 13th IS a great day after all!
QOTD: What is your favorite thing to do on your birthday? Any traditions?

Happy birthday! I hope you have a great day! Sorry about the run.
I honestly haven’t done anything special on my bday in a decade or so. I even hated having bday parties when I was a kid. I’m weird. I just enjoy eating copious amounts of cake π
why did you hate parties?!? weirdo! I WANTED to go to Disney for your birthday…lol! this year is just not as fun as last years bday celebration that lasted forever!!
Happy Birthday!! I hope that you have a fantastic day!! Don’t stress about turning 25, it will be a great year for you!!
thanks I hope it is!
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day!
thanks so much!
Happy birthday girl! Have fun tonight!
thanks I did!
Hi there! What a great day to come across your blog for the first time! Happy Birthday! I adore the pink–and–are those palmetto trees in your banner? I’m originally from SC and that’s the state tree (along with the mosquito as the state bird) π Love your previous post about working out on vacation, too. I’ll definitely be reading more on your blog!
Enjoy your b-day and Toy Story 3 (it’s so funny and sentimental)!
thanks so much for reading and commenting! we didnt end up making it to the movie. BUMMER! That banner pic was taken in disneyworld so I dont really know what kind of tree it is!
thanks so much for reading and commenting! we didnt end up making it to the movie. BUMMER! That banner pic was taken in disneyworld so I dont really know what kind of tree it is!
Happy Birthday ma’am! Yes, birthday traditions include eating birthday dinner/cake off of a special birthday plate…and being together with family. LOVE YOU!
hi sis you finally commented! I am shocked! I actually didnt eat out of the plate today b/c we ate out! I must tomorrow!
Happy Birthday!! My 25th birthday was my “golden” birthday as I was born on Jan. 25…so 25 …25th…I had a huge party and it was great! Pig pickin’ and the works! I have to say that I wish I was 25 still some days!! (I think I’m kinda vain…so getting old is not my favorite thing!) π But I’m getting used to it…I’ll be 29 for the like 4th time next birthday! π
I hope you have a great birthday!
too funny! I hope I age gracefully. I am petrified of getting old!
Ugh…you are more than a decade younger than me! LOL!
Hope you had a fantastic birthday! And I would say that Bobby is a keeper! π
thanks! I guess I will let him stick around!
happy 25th! it’s a good year. i only have one month left of being 25.
what a lovely sign to wake up to. way to get your birthday started off on the right foot!
thanks! I htought it was sweet of him!
Awww!!!!! Your hubby is so good to you! π Hope that you had a wonderful Birthday Heather!
thanks becky!