Hi there! I am currently in Philadelphia! Which is weird, because I will be BACK here in two short weeks for the Healthy Living Summit! Unfortunately, this time it’s just a layover (for three hours, ug) and I am catching another flight to Providence this afternoon.
But let’s back up. Yesterday was quite the stressful day. I had 4 huge vials of blood taken from my body yesterday morning for some tests, and then I had to go to Chili’s for our Team in Training Fundraiser. I was there till 1:30, then I went home and started to pack and get ready to go out of town. I WANTED to run but there was literally no time. I met Bobby back up at Chili’s at 5 and we stayed till 7:15.
Then I drove to my parents house outside of NOLA for the night, and was greeted with a beautiful sunset.
and my dad brought me to the airport this morning. WHEW! One flight later and here I am waiting in Philly. Eating a pretzel. With cheese sauce. Don’t judge.
Hi Philly people!
I am so excited about being in Providence. It’s going to be so busy but so much fun. I am curious to see how I do running a half marathon on no training and on expo legs! If you are going to race please stop by the running skirts booth! heck even if you aren’t racing, the expo is open to the public! I promise to take pictures of everything so I can share with you! The lobby of the hotel is supposed to have free WiFi so hopefully I will be able to get a post up in the morning. Have a great day everyone!
**GO NOW AND ENTER MY RAFFLE! You know you want to win a running skirt or compression socks or other cool goodies for only FIVE DOLLARS for an entry! Not to mention it’s for an amazing cause! Check out my Team in Training Raffle!
QOTD: Would you rather be a cat or a dog? why?

Good luck coming up to Providence! I live in Massachusetts and we are having some gorgeous weather today! I would rather be a cat because they can do whatever they want, they get to sit and people watch out the window, they can sleep whenever they want and they don’t have to go out in the snow to “do their business” because they have their own litter box! They just like to sit and be good friends! That’s what my cats like to do anyway!
Have a safe trip and fun in Providence! Can’t wait to see you Sunday!
I am running this half so I will make sure to stop by the running skirts booth!