Is it really Thursday? That means Healthy Living Summit starts TOMORROW?! GAH! I can’t believe it’s finally here. If you are going I can’t wait to meet you, so don’t be shy, and if you aren’t, now is a great time to subscribe to my blog o follow me on twitter on the right sidebar so you can stay up to the minute with all the action!
Yesterday morning I was hoping it would be cool outside again, but I was terribly mistaken. The heat and humidity was pretty much back, and my 3 mile speed session turned into two. Guys, trust me, two miles of sprinting on and off is all I can take before I get lightheaded in this heat.
As I was lying on the floor in the middle of my living room, I started thinking about my “cool down” routine. What on earth am I talking about? Well, living where it’s hot and humid 9 months out of the year, I have gotten the post-run-cool down routine down to a science. Allow me to explain. Here are the “steps” I have to take to cool down after a run in south Mississippi. So, I have completed my run….
First, I come inside, pet my freaking out puppies, and immediately head for the refrigerator and grab coconut water, Gatorade, water, or all three. Just kidding….but sometimes at least two different things….I chug a good bit, knowing I need to cool down my INSIDES even though it feels good/better to cool down my outside.
Then I usually go take a post run sweaty picture for you all to see. Aren’t I kind? Just the way you wanted to see me, right?
Then, on the verge of collapse I grab a towel, wipe off as best I can, turn on the ceiling fan, then lay on said towel in the middle of the floor. I mean, I have to sit somewhere and I don’t want to get my furniture all gross, right? If it is a long run I will also get ice to ice my knee/hip.
Most people ask why I don’t just jump in the shower. Oh, no no no my friends. If I took a shower, I would sweat right through it and after it. I think I sweat more after a run then during it trying to cool down my body. The below picture was taken several minutes after I had already dried myself off once or twice. As I was laying on the floor, of course.
eeewwww. See, I wasn’t kidding about the sweat. After enough time has passed that I think I can stand on my own, I got get another towel and wipe down my now sweaty and disgusting floor. Sweaty butt prints are so attractive, no?
After that I make myself drink more water, stretch, then I got sit outside in the shade, still trying to regulate my body temperature and dry off. I do my quiet time outside a lot of mornings, or check work e mails on my tablet. Of course, with a big glass of water, and the pups in tow.
THEN after thirty minutes to an hour, I feel cooled off enough that I could take a shower and actually feel clean afterwards and not still sweaty. Yes it’s a long process, yes it can up the better part of my morning, but it’s the only way I can get through summer runs safely (and without ruining all my furniture or taking 5 showers a day. Conserving water, right?)
QOTD: What do you do to cool off during or after a hot run?
***Today is the last day to enter my BIC Bands giveaway! enter away till 8pm central time! I will announce a winner tomorrow on the blog. Remember, a dollar of every BIC band bought this month goes to Team in Training to find a cure for cancer!

I can’t shower right away either! I have to give it at least 30 minutes.
No way is showering a good idea immediately after a hot workout. You’d just sweat the whole time!
And why are you sprinting in the heat? Use the treadmill
I’m the same way, I need a while to cool down after a run before showering. I also have a lovely bright red face for about an hour after a run that takes a while to return to normal skin color
So looking forward to meeting you and rooming with you at HLS tomorrow!!! See you soon!!
Ugh ugh ugh I really want to be going to HLS I am so close (NJ) but so far! Have a great time!
I always have to cool down, too. MIL used to ask me when I came back from a run why I didn’t go wash up right away. I get in, drink water, powerade zero, chocolate milk (one or all three), splash water on my face, stretch (maybe). Then after 10-20 min. I go shower.
Lunch runs, I don’t have a shower anyway. I come in, drink cold water if I haven’t taken any on my run, rinse off with cold water, then wipe off and change (with body powder and deodorant, of course). I’m still super red faced and sweating after. Ew. I’ll sit at my desk and drip sweat for another 5 min or so. I will be completely cooled down in 30 min. Gotta love AC!