Happy New Year! We went to a party last night, and tonight will be watching LSU play in their bowl game. So excited! What a great way to ring in the new year. Will we stay up until midnight? Uh…probably not. I have been quite the early bird as of late, and don’t foresee a change in that unless someone slips me some serious caffeine!
I could have used some caffeine when this photo was taken.
So, if you have been reading RWS since this time last year, you may remember that instead of making huge goals for all of 2012, that I would make small, more attainable monthly goals. When I make BIG yearly goals I tend to forget about them by oh…about the second week of January. But mini monthly goals I can handle, and are on my mind more often. I successfully had mini goals all throughout 2012, some I obtained and some I didn’t. I put pressure on myself to reach some more than others, but over all tried to keep it low stress because I, just like everyone else, already have enough stress to deal with.
With that being said, let’s check out my December goals and see how I did:
1.) Enjoy the Christmas season. (B-) I watched tons of Christmas movies and tried to soak it in as much as I could, but I was dealing with a LOT of different things during the Christmas season this year that kept my attention in other places. There is always next year?
2.) Figure out what’s wrong with my health. (A-) I think we are finally getting things cleared up! The Prevacid seems to really be helping my acid reflux, and I am also working on getting my stress under control which I KNOW is a contributing factor. The only health issue I am still dealing with is my left leg, and my chiropractor and myself both think its a combo of tight hip and hamstring issues and some Achilles straining going on. He has put KT tape on me, and is doing some ART on my legs to get me through Goofy.
3.) Be more thankful. (B+) Still having good days and bad days with this one. Trying to focus more on my blessings and not my circumstances. Still needs work.
4.) Successfully finish my Goofy training. (C+) I don’t know if I would say it was SUCCESSFUL training, but I am in full taper mode. Still just hoping to finish in an upright position and to have fun with it!
I really liked how I did the mini goals this year instead of huge yearly goals. However, I did write a few things down and put them in my stocking for safe keeping like I do every year, just because it’s fun to look back and see what i was expecting from the year…so more like “things I would like to see happen” as opposed to resolutions. So, here we go with January 2013!
1.) Finish Goofy in an upright position. Ah. Pretty self explanatory. Less than two weeks!
2.) Vlog more. Oh yes. Pulling this one out again. really REALLY want to do better about this the whole year through, but we will focus on it one month at a time. My goal is twice this month.
3.) Stretch more. My chiropractor definitely noticed the lack of flexibility both Bobby and I have, so we have been told to try to stand up and stretch once an hour. So far….I need some work on this.
4.) Stay healthy. This time of year I tend to get sick, so I am focusing on getting sleep, washing my hands, and taking EmergenC so I can stay well through my travels and the cold month of January.
I think that’s a good start, I will check back in with this at the end of the month to see how I did!
QOTD: Do you have any mini goals for January?

I think that’s a great idea. It amazes me how individual things like goal setting can be – I tried to set monthly goals, but then forgot to follow through!
In May I’ll be running my first marathon(!), so January’s the month for my training to begin. I want to stay on task.
exciting! You will do great!
Great ideas of monthly goals. Plus I love how you reflect back as the month ends. I think that helps us all learn and grow.
Looking forward to a healthy and happy 2013. Keep taking your vitamins.
yes! It keeps me accountable all year long instead of just once at the beginning of the year.
Finishing Goofy is really my only goal for January. Winter’s been rough on my training, so I’m not expecting to PR but I just want to finish!
Exactly! I know I am under trained and just want to finish!
Vlog more…I need to start!
Happy New Year!!!