Hello friends! It’s time for another installment of Jeff Galloway’s run/walk/run tips! It seems fitting to post this today since I am going to the runDisney Princess half expo and am hoping to run into him there! Check out these great tips!
-The training journey for a marathon or half marathon raises your body’s physical performance capability and your sense of what you can do in life.
-Running helps to bring body, mind and spirit together in a unique and wonderful way
In researching my book MENTAL TRAINING I discovered that -running turns on brain circuits for a better attitude more vitality and empowerment better than other activities studied.
-In researching my book RUNNING UNTIL YOU’RE 100 I found numerous studies showing that runners have healthier orthopedic units than non runners even after decades of running.
-When a runner takes walk breaks early and often enough for the individual the muscles are strong to the end. See RUN WALK RUN at www.jeffgalloway.com for recommendations by pace per mile.
-The “exhaustion wall” can be avoided by running longer long runs up to or beyond race distance-using the appropriate run-walk-run strategy.
-Marathoners tend to improve time by an average of more than 15 minutes when they increase their longest run from 20 miles to 26 miles.
-To recover fast, run the long runs at least 2 min/mi slower than you could currently run in a marathon
-The right run-walk-run strategy from the beginning of each run, gives any runner control over fatigue, injury-elimination, and recovery.
-In numerous surveys, runners improved over 13 minutes when they shifted from running continuously to use of the right run-walk-run strategy.
As always, you can use hashtag #runwalkrun #runinjuryfree #jeffgalloway to join in the conversation on twitter, facebook, and instagram!

It’s MOM! haha So sad I missed you this weekend except for a wave! Can’t wait for your recap!