Terrific Tuesday! I have been a busy bee already today. First things first. Have you entered my AURIA earphones giveaway? Ok, now that you have done that, moving on!
Check out the article Dgital Running posted on me today!
Yesterday after refreshing my Twitter feed a million times with Boston marathon news, I decided I just HAD to go for a run! I went out for an easy paced three miles up and down hills, and surprised myself with a 29:30. 29’s have never been my “easy pace”, I really think all my Jillian strength training is paying off in my runs. It was HOT and HUMID but a good run!
I also did my 6 weeks to 6 pack video. I am in my last week, so next week be looking for my review and hopefully some before and after pictures!
Ok, moving on to today….I have been clipping and printing coupons since Sunday morning, looking at sales papers and putting together a shopping list of sale items plus coupons to maximize my savings. I headed out to target this morning armed with my stack of coupons and my list. it was so much fun!
I ended up doing fairly well for my first “real” grocery trip couponing. As my coupon stash grows I know I will save even more! But, today, I paid $60.91 for $93.20 worth of merchandise! I saved $32.29. I am so happy with that! I forgot my reusable bags though, so I was mad at myself. Target gives you five cents back for each reusable bag, so I would have saved 50 more cents had I remembered them. Nowhere near the crazy people on the TLC TV show, but I am learning the ropes!
It felt so good to hand over the coupons and watch the total going down with every scan. I can’t wait to save even more next time! If I were to save 32 a week for a year that would save me $1,664 dollars a year! I don’t know about you, but I don’t make near enough money to pass THAT up!
I was so happy after leaving Target I thought I deserved a special treat so I went to Frosting and got Bobby and I a cupcake for desert for tonight. On Tuesday’s they have WEDDING CAKE! cannot WAIT to taste!
YUM! Ok, I am off to do some work. I have a couple other pieces of good news to share in the next few days so stay with me!
QOTD: Do you coupon? any good tips or savings stories?

I can haz cupcake?!?! nomnom nom
NO! you weren’t supposed to see! of course you decide to read my blog for once and its on a day i was going to surprise you with a cupcake. awesome.
Hahahah I thought at first this was a Jason comment! LOL
Wow, I really want one of those cupcakes!
I’m not much of a couponer. Mostly because I forget the blasted things. I also think they make me spend money on things I wouldn’t normally buy, but that’s because I have a shopping problem.
Great job with the coupons!! You are convincing me I need to start using them more…maybe you could do a post on where you get them??
great idea! I will start drafting a post about it!
Ahhhh! Cupcakes! Now I want one. Or two. Maybe even three. And I’m supposed to be in taper mode / carb loading mode. 😉
How were the cupcakes???
Amazing! Check out their website http://WWW.frostingshop.com
Oh, and I just now finally checked out the digial running interview. Great job! 🙂
thanks lady!
Those cupcakes look amazing!!! :0)