Hi friends. I’m writing this post Friday afternoon. I’m at the airport…and my flight is already delayed 40 minutes. Boo! Just so ready to be home. I hope everyone had a great week and has amazing weekend plans. Mine include sleeping, laundry, and snuggling with my puppies I haven’t seen in 14 days!
Awhile back the lovely Heidi from Banana Buzz Bomb tagged me as a liebster award winner, and I am finally getting around to filling it out! (sorry Heidi! Thanks so much for the nomination!)
Here are the questions I had to answer:
1. What’s your favorite dish?
I LOVE Mexican food! My husband knows it’s my favorite. Especially queso dip and chips. I could eat it forever. Seriously. Just that.
2. Why did you start a blog?
Like many, mine started as an accountability journal when I began my running journey, and then in evolved into what it is today and it makes me so excited!
3. If you changed your name, what would you change it to?
This is a tough one, I never really thought about it and don’t see myself as anything but a Heather! Anyone think I look like I should have a different name?
4. Why did you choose this name for your blog?
In high school my basketball coach called me sassy because my dog is named sassy and well, I guess it fit me anyway, and it kind of stuck. Then when I started running I only wanted to wear fun, cute, sassy workout clothes, so it just fit!
5. What makes you crazy?
Oh what a loaded question. Can I make a blanket statement and say stupid people? Or is that bad?
6. Which book are you reading atm? (or which magazine?)
Fitness magazine, Runner’s World, Us Weekly, Women’s running. I heart magazines.
7. What inspires you?
People overcoming incredible odds to do things really inspires me. If they can do it, I can do it too!
8. When you were a child, what did you want to be when your grew up?
It changed yearly from ballerina to teacher to veterinarian. Now some of these make me laugh.
9. What is your favorite part of blogging?
Interacting with readers and other bloggers. I never meet a stranger and love chatting with and talking to people from all over the world about a common love for fitness and blogging. It’s so much fun to hear from readers, too! Also, meeting fellow blogger friends!
10. What is your dream career?
blogger, working from home, I am blessed.
11. If money was no object, where would you live and why?
I would live by my family but have a second home at the beach. I love me some beach time.
Once again thanks to Heidi for nominating me! I nominate anyone with a blog that has the word “with” or “to” in their blog name. Is it you? If so, go answer these questions on your own blog!
QOTD: What did you want to be when you grew up?

When I grew up, I really wanted to be an author. I loved English, specifically creative running. I work in finance now, but with my blog I can still write and express myself.