I first saw this cute survey on Brittany’s blog and knew I had to post as well! So in honor of Valentine’s Day (a day late) here are my answers to our Love Story:
1. How long have you and your significant other been together?
We started dating September 2004, then we got engaged December 2005, and married January 2007…so…7.5 years? WOW! Doesn’t seem that long.
2. How did you meet? {What’s your “love” story?}
Bobby and I met a couple of times my freshman year of college but were both involved with other people. Both single, we really “met” our first weekend of college my sophomore year, his senior year. We were playing on opposing sand volleyball teams in the intermural tournament. He started talking to me and asked for my number “so he could let me know the next time they were playing volleyball so I could join.” Rrriiggghhhttt….
3. If married, how long have you been married?
We celebrated out five year anniversary on January 6 of this year.
4. Where did you get married? Big or small wedding?
We had a big New Orleans wedding, over 200 people. The ceremony was at First Baptist New Orleans and the reception was at Southern oaks Plantation. It was amazing.
January 2007
5. Do you have any nick-names that you call one another? Do share!
Honey, sweetheart, hon, sweetie…boring stuff. :0P
6. Name 3 things you love most about your honey.
I could name a bunch but 1.) he loves God more than anything 2.) He would bend over backwards (and has) to make me happy. 3.) he has strong family and moral values that fit in with what we both want out of life.
7. Tell us how he proposed?
The day of my last winter exam Junior year. In the living room of my apartment after we watched an episode of Friends and ate dinner on TV trays. he said he just couldn’t stand it another minute.
December 2005
8. Is he a flowers and teddy bear kind of guy for v-day, or strawberries, champagne, and rose petals?
Really not either. He can do both and has, but we are more low key and don’t tend to do traditional Valentine’s day gifts.
9. Are you a sunset dinner on the beach kind of girl, or pop a movie in and relax on the couch?
Once again, really both. We love the beach (and food!) but also love just relaxing together at home.
10. Tell us one thing you’d like to do with your significant other one day. If you could do anything? Go anywhere?
Hhhmm…we love to travel, so just travel more I guess? I’m boring, I have come to grips.
11. Tell us what you plan on doing on this Valentine’s Day.
Well I can tell you what we DID, since it was yesterday. We both worked and then met at our favorite Mexican restaurant for dinner. Then we had to go to Wal-Mart and buy him some specific clothes for a TV show he is filming in today as an extra, then we came home and hung out.
12. Are you asking for anything this Valentine’s day?
I didn’t ask for anything in particular but got two amazing gifts. A new piece of furniture and a trip to Disneyland to run the half marathon! I get my coast to coast medal!
13. Give us one piece of advice of keeping a relationship strong and full of love.
Communication. I know it’s cliché but your spouse cannot read your mind, so talk and share.
14. Show us a picture of what love means to you.
QOTD: What did you do for Valentine’s Day? Doesn’t have to be sappy, romantic, or even have to do with love!
*Rouge Orleans recaps start TOMORROW!

I have loved reading the love stories! So neat to see pictures from your past as well! And just to add more to our same anniversary — we also got married at a First Baptist church 🙂
Aww love it! And Bobby did awesome this Valentine’s day! I bet you’re so excited 🙂
yes! cannot wait.
Thank you for sharing your beautiful pictures!
I’m totally loving these posts from everyone. I know Valentine’s Day has passed but I think I may join in. Thanks for sharing. =)
I love this survey! I wish I had time to do it today because I’d so steal it from you. I loved reading about your relationship and your wedding and everything, and I love your wedding picture. Hope you guys had a great Valentine’s day together!
I’ve been seeing this survey on a lot of blogs and I absolutely love it! You and Bobby are so cute together!
Loved this!!!! Such a great idea for V-Day! I’m definitely going to do this next year =)
You and Bobby make a beautiful couple – enjoyed looking at all the gorgeous photos of you two!
that you! I am a survey nerd.
You and your wedding party looked gorgeous!
thank you! 🙂
14 years this month.
I did nothing for Valentines day… was home alone
went for a run
we did the typical week night family routine + made chocolate dipped strawberries!
My husband and I have been married 21 years. For Valentine’s Day he left a nice note and See’s candy box on the table for me when I woke up. I had a gift he wanted waiting for him when he got from from work.
Sweet story! I saw a few of these going around and thought about doing it too, but didn’t get around to it. Love that running made it into your V-day gifts! 🙂
Very cute!! You guys make a lovely couple 🙂 And hooray for the Disney Half!
so cute!! we were very low key. he cooked me a FABULOUS steak dinner with several courses and got me the Adele DVD (i’m obsessed) and we watched it while we ate. exactly what i wanted. he knows i prefer flowers on a random day of the week.
sounds so yummy!
Love this post. Y’all are absolutely adorable!!!!!!
(I spent the night wrapped in a Snuggie watching “he’s just not that in to you” alone!) Single Valentine’s Day isn’t as great as In a Relationship Valentine’s Day!
aw thank you!
That sounds like a great night to me!
I love reading these too! We didn’t too anything too exciting, since both kids are still on the mend. He did bring me beautiful flowers and chocolate–which I ate almost all of yesterday!! 🙂
Disneyland??!!!! Coast to coast medal!!!! That is just about the best gift a gal could EVER ask for! I wish I could join you! Adorable post!
Awe cher! You and Bobby are so cute! Love this!