Well, the time has finally come to share some BIG news with you. I shared it first with my email subscribers yesterday, because I always tell them news first (sign up here), and I already felt so much better last night after getting it off my chest.
I explained to my subscribers that lately I have felt like I was doing something wrong by keeping a secret from you all. It has become difficult to share personal stories of things going on in our lives simply because if I did, it would give my secret away. I know my blogging lately has been sporadic, and unfortunately it will continue to be that way for a little while longer, because my friends…the Montgomery family is packing up and moving to FLORIDA!
I cheated. This picture is from last summer.
Whew. Ok, now I really feel better for letting the cat out of the bag to everyone. Funny how when you withhold information, even if you have a good reason, it can feel like a lie/wrong doing. There was still a lot up in the air until recently (and frankly, there still is,) but I decided now felt like the right time to share, just…because.
Ok, so here are some of the details. I am not ready to share everything 100% yet for various reasons, but here is what I can tell you:
WHO: Me, Bobby, and Emma Kate, of course. We have been within 3 hours of our families for years, so this will be WAY out of my comfort zone.
WHAT: Moving. We already established this right?
WHEN: Sometime in mid to late November. So, soon. This is scary because our house is still on the market. We had an offer a couple weeks ago that unfortunately fell through. We can’t buy another house until this one sells…so you get the picture.
WHERE: All I am willing to say right now is “central Florida”. More to come. Stay tuned.
WHY: Bobby has gotten an awesome new job, something he has worked really hard for, for a long time now. Thankfully both of my jobs are work from home, so I will still be doing what I love!
HOW: That’s a really good question. There is a lot to get settled, so we would so appreciate prayers right now for a few key things to fall into place. I know God’s timing is perfect, but I would be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous about all of the things working out in time for us to move. It gives me a headache just to think about it. I would also be lying if I said I wasn’t sad about leaving our current town. This is where Bobby grew up, and we truly do love it here. In particular, our church and gym, and the friends that come along with both are going to be very very hard to replace, and I’m frankly not sure it’s possible. I have gotten to know so many great people who have helped me a ton, especially in the past year, and if I think about leaving them it really upsets me.
Change has always been hard for me, and I’m incredibly sentimental so this whole process has been overwhelming. Please know if I take a little longer to answer emails or seem out of sorts for the next couple of months, that I’m just super busy doing all of the things for all of the people, and I will hopefully get back into a new routine once we get settled. I have had a couple of people ask me why I haven’t been marketing my new book much anymore, and now you know why. I have been packing boxes, doing research, and so many other things as we prepare to move. I can’t wait to share a new area, new adventures, and a new life with all of you here in my little corner of the world! Thanks for hanging in there with me.
QOTD: How do you handle change? Are you sentimental? Thoughts on Florida?

I totally relate to your anxiety of moving. I too packed everything up and moved to central FL with my hubby. That was 15 years ago and I’ve made Florida my home. Just think..Disney will be just around the corner from you now! Best of luck with your move. Praying for peace over your family as you make this change. Who knows..we may end up being somewhat of neighbors 🙂
Thank you for the prayers!
I’m in Central Florida. I know you will love being close to Disney. And you will love to hate running in our neverending heat and humidity (you deal with that currently too). I suggest joining the MRTT/SRTT group(s) that are close to you. Built in running friends and built in mommy advice for things like pediatricians and daycares and schools and gyms. Good luck!!
Thanks so much!
I’m in the Tampa Bay Area… Moved here right out of college! Ditto what the other reader said about Disney and running. In general, it’s a nice place to live. The down side would be how long it takes to get to any other state by car… 3 hours to the state line for us.
What part of Tampa are you in?
I lived in Brevard County Florida for a few years. I made some lovely lifelong friends. I’m single and it was hard for me to be there with no family but you have your sweet family and that will help so much! It is a great place to live and I know God must have great plans for you! I’ll be praying for you?
Thanks for the prayers! We won’t have any family nearby but I know they will visit!
1) While not the same level as moving to a new state, my job goes through three distinct “seasons” each year – each completely different so it is almost like starting a new job three times a year. Although it does get a little easier each year, I deal with change by focusing on the details – what needs to be done, when it needs to be done by, etc. (making sure to keep some focus on my personal health and fitness goals at the same time)
2) Yes – I cried earlier this year when our 20 year old car was towed away by Kars for Kids (we brought both babies home from the hospital in it many, many years ago and in more recent years she kept my boys safe when they became drivers) After 25 years together, my husband still can’t completely wrap his head around the fact that for me happy and sad are often parallel emotions, not opposite.
3) Mixed thoughts on Florida – I would be happy anywhere as long as I could be with my husband and my boys could visit by hopping on a plane. And if in the right part of Florida – easy access to Disney and more than one runDisney race a year. But, I would definitely miss the seasons – particularly the nice spring and fall mornings when the temperatures and humidity levels are perfect for running.
One thing I have going for me is that where I live now is super hot and humid so it won’t be really any different haha
Congratulations! My husband and j just moved from our dream town and house for me to pursue my dream job. It has been challenging but I am so happy at work which hasn’t been the case for 5 years. I miss our old place every day but know it was the right thing to do. I will definitely pray that everything works or for you. I totally understand your house stress. We are still trying to sell our house so we can buy one in our new location. It is stressful but it will work out for both of us I’m sure! Best of luck! I look forward to hearing more on your blog!
Thank you! Praying our house sells ASAP. I hope yours does too!
Congrats! Sounds like an amazing opportunity! My husband and I moved from Central Florida to Miami at the start of 2016–and we miss it every day! There are so many different neighborhoods in the area, depending on the feel/lifestyle you’re going for. I think you’re going to really enjoy it! You have such a great network/support system to help with the adjustment, but don’t hesitate to ask if you want some recommendations once details start falling into place. Everything will work out the way it’s supposed to–that’s what I always pray for.
Thank you! 🙂
Congrats girl!!!! It took all I had not to bug you yesterday with wanting to know the details after getting your newsletter lol! Can’t wait to hear more!
haha no worries
How exciting and of course a bit stressful at the same time. Change is good, and I know you already love Florida.
I’m here in Orlando, so let me know if you need any advice or whatnot.
will do!
When you can share where, I know some great churches in central Florida:)
Awhhh. Yay! I’m partial to Florida personally. You will love it here. If you need any house/neighborhood hunting help, I can help. I lived all over Orlando for 7 years and I’m in Tampa currently. We got some great churches too. Good luck to you and the family.
will def need help with churches!
You’re the second blogger I keep up with who’s moving, and I’m moving too. I just haven’t announced it yet. If I can’t swing anything job wise before then, I’m moving in December, up to Colorado, and in with my parents. It’ll help me get my feet under me, but hopefully I can land a job I like before then. I know how you feel about leaving friends because part of me isn’t ready to move, but I have to for my career.
good luck!
Welcome to the land of The Mouse and no state income tax!!
woo hoo!
Congrats on your upcoming move!!!
We moved to Florida 2 years ago (final walk thru was 2 years ago today) and we are loving it! Our neighborhood (Overlook at Hamlin in Winter Garden) is wonderful and has the best neighbors!
And Disney World in at our back door. Today it took 17 minutes to get from our garage to the security checkpoint in Epcot.
There is so much more here than Disney World, I can’t think of a better place to live.
So welcome to central Florida!!
Thanks so much! We won’t be in Orlando, but still a lot closer to Disney than I am now!
Congratulations on the move! It is very exciting. Change is never easy, but always worth it.
I live in the Orlando area and it is a great place to live. If the Orlando area is where you are heading, I am happy to share what I know about different parts of the area. (I have been here since 2004 and lived in several parts of town.)
I am also involved in both the running and blogging communities here and am happy to share. Just let me know. Good luck with everything and I hope your move goes smoothly.
Thanks so much! We won’t be in Orlando but I plan to visit often 🙂
I moved to south FL from CT over 20 years ago and it was no doubt, the BEST decision I ever made. I met the love of my life and have never looked back. Welcome!
thank you so much! 🙂
Best wishes to you, Bobby, and EK on the big move. I hope the transition goes as smoothly as possible.
Thanks! We are excited.
I saw this on a bumper sticker once and it really stuck with me: “Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.” I always try to remember change can be a learning experience. Best of luck!
Great quote!
I live on the gulf coast in central Florida! Welcome to the sunshine state!
Thanks! We can’t wait!