A week late again, I know. One of these months I will get this done on time. The new month just sneaks up on me! Good thing I don’t scare easy. Well…maybe I do, but please don’t use it against me.
Bella scares easy. Anyone else’s dog?
Let’s take a look at last month’s goals I gotta say I’m a bit embarrassed…
1.) Heal my IT band: (D-) Still hurts. Not when I run, but still hurts after.
2.) get back to my happy weight: (D-) So I haven’t GAINED anymore weight but I have only lost about a pound. I went to Disney last month and weeellll that makes it hard to lose. Ug.
3.) Go back to body pump: (F…) It just didn’t happen yall. I was out of town for 2 Mondays, and the other two I was busy catching up on everything I missed. I fail.
4.) Leg strengthening exercises: (C-) I actually did well the first 1.5 weeks of the month with this, then went on a trip and slacked off.
This will NOT be me!
For this month, since last month was SO bad, I really just want a redo of last month, so I am keeping ALL my goals the same for the first time ever. We shall see how it goes.
***WINNER of my Dream Flats giveaway is: Margaret Harry! Please e mail me at heatherslookingglass@gmail.com to claim your prize!
Also, the kind folks at LUV Footwear have offered a 20% off code for THLS readers through August 31. Simply enter code Heather at checkout for the discount!
QOTD: Have you ever re-tried goals you failed to achieve?

I definitely redo goals if I don’t achieve them the first time. You’ll get it this month girl! Sorry to hear the IT band is still hurting! If only we could order new parts for our body when we need them lol!
I know!
My poor dog is scared of EVERYTHING! I feel so bad for her!
Sorry to hear your IT band is still bothering you, that must be so frustrating!
mine is too, it’s so sad. Dogs can be so dumb lol
Always redoing goals!! Always!
glad it’s not just me!
You’ll get there with goals, some things just take time. Especially IT band issues. I had issues with mine a few years ago and it was a long slow process. I was able to run during it which made me happy (the faster I went the less it hurt… weird right?). But stairs and things like that were always a big issue. Have you tried ART or getting Graston technique done? That really helped me, along with TONS of foam rolling
YES! mine doesn’t hurt while running, but rolling over in bed at night…oy!
I am also trying to heal my IT band before my full in October. Stretching, rolling and icing are the top of my to do list as I take a three week break from training until the Disney Dumbo event at the end of this month. How long does it take for this stupid pain to go away when I run?
ug last time mine was hurt it took months..
Good luck Heather. It’s so hard keeping up with everything, especially when you are out of town and busy. Good news is that there is always a new day, week or month to start over. Hope your IT band starts to feel better too. Run, ice, ice some more, repeat seems to be my motto as a runner. :/
I have been foam rolling a lot need to ice more!
Yesss!! I’m constantly re-doing goals … plus sometimes things take a little longer to accomplish 🙂 You will get it all done when the timing is right 🙂
Yes, I do re-do on goals. If I can’t do them short term, they become long term.
Sorry to hear about the IT band. I ended up switching shoes which seems to have helped mine a lot. It’s definitely frustrating to deal with.
yes so frustrating!
Ooh – you grade yourself pretty tough, lady! Still, I understand. If you don’t hold yourself accountable, who will?
I’m just starting to set goals, so this was good to read!
You got this!
Yes I am so hard on myself ha
Ha! I have to put my dog outside when I vacuum or she chases it around and tries to attack it!
I am always retrying goals. Sometimes a month just isn’t long enough!
too funny mine runs from it!
Good luck on your goals! I think this summer has just put everyone in kind of a funk with their goals/plans. Hopefully this month will go better! And hope your IT band feels better!
I agree summer has been weird