I am loving that itβs already hump day! How bout you? As promised, here are the pictures from our 4th of July BBQ. Thankfully, it was overcast, and we were able to eat outside. The only annoying thing was the FLIES! ug.
of course I had festive plates and napkins, are you REALLY surprised?
Bobby playing with lighter fluidβ¦.
chillinβ and grillinβ with Nicole and Hampton.
Notice Bella is ALWAYS under the table looking for scrapsβ¦
my plate. yum. cheeseburger, fried okra, baked beans, chips.
Bobbyβs plate, of course. For dessert I made an Γ©clair pie (recipe to come) and of course, we had watermelon!
not real sure why Bobby looks like a ghost? spooky.
I will have you know that after I bit into this I proceeded to get juicy watermelon all. over. myself. As only I can do, right? We ended up chatting until 10:45!!! Letβs just say we are both exhausted and paying for it today! Good times were had by all, hope we can do it again soon!
Yesterday, I set out after 9:00 am (big mistake, way too hot/humid!) for a 3 mile run. I was ho hum, running along, when about 15 feet in front of me a HUGE (like 3.5-4 feet long) black snake slithers across the road to the other side and into the tall grass! Oh. my. gosh. I wanted to die. I am certain all the blood drained from my face. Tears welled up in my eyes and I had t stop myself form crying. I of course frozeβ¦then turned around and HAULED BUTT in the other direction!!! Yallβ¦.you have no idea how badly I HATE snakes. They terrify, TERRIFY me! I wonβt ever EVER run that road alone again. That booger totally ruined it for me. For the rest of my run I ran right smack in the middle of the road and looked down, darting back and forth in the grass. How chicken am I? Make fun all you want, say he is more afraid of me blah blah blah, you wonβt convince me. I have the chills just thinking about it.
ANN-E-WAYβ¦.I ran pretty fast, I think I just wanted to get HOME! My left knee has been hurting me a lot after I run under my kneecap and on the inside, and gets really stiff after sitting for awhile Thoughts? runners knee? Iβm just not sure. I ordered new shoes from running warehouse, hopefully they get here in the next couple of days. I think I will cross train tomorrow instead of run. I am SO tired of being hurt!
skirted up in: mums midnight RS and Azure performance tank
QOTD: So, did YOU have any watermelon this weekend?!? hhhmmmm?

I had/have similar symptoms and my doctor put me on an aleeve regiman- said strained quad.
interesting! I have been stretching a lot hoping that helps some
Cute picnic! I love the plates! And eww about the snake. So gross. I hope your knee feels better!
Wow…I would have freaked out just as much! I wouldn’t want to run that route again either!
I had an experience similar to that back in April. I had about .75 left when all the sudden I saw some movement out of the corner of my eye. It was a pitbull dashing across the street at full speed! I nearly swallowed my heart it was so high in my throat. Once it got to the sidewalk right behind me it just trotted off in the other direction. Talk about a close call.
Glad you’re okay!
OMG! luckily I havent had any big dog encounters, knock on wood
I would have freaked out too! Is that the first time you’ve seen one in your neighborhood?
yes! I mean, we live in teh woods…I KNOW they are there, but its so totally different when you actually SEE one you know?
no watermelon for me and OMG I’d have let out a blood curdling scream and hauled butt the other way too!
I fear snakes big time…them and frogs…and ducks…not sure why on the ducks but I run from them too especially when walking the dog…they always go for him and I end up running, dragging him along! LOL
hope your knee feels better & soon!
I HATE frogs too. and lizzards.
well then i’m glad i’m not alone in my fears!
I had exactly the same symptoms last winter and it was runner’s knee. Resting (until the soreness was gone), changing to a stability shoe, adding Dr. Scholl’s sports gel inserts, and taking a daily dose of glucosamine (in the vitamin aisle) have been a huge help for it. I haven’t had it since then.
totally getting glucosamine. you arent the first one to reccommend that! thanks!!
I have the same problems with my knee. It was really bad last summer so I saw a doctor for it. They did an x-ray and MRI and diagnosed me with chondromalacia of the patella. They told me to not run 4-6 weeks and the pain should subside. Being the rebellious runner I am, I only took 3 weeks off and this past month is the first month since that it has been pain free with running. I have also been doing some quad and glut strengthening exercises and icing which seem to help.
whats weird is I have been strength trianing more than ever, so odd! I am hoping its my shoes…i think it may be pes ansarine bursitis