Oh yes my friends, madness it was! We arrived at the new house early yesterday morning when the movers got there, to find out the air conditioning had not been officially turned on for the first time so we had no air. This may not be a big deal for some, but in August, in Mississippi, it was brutal. The heat index was well over 100, and I felt so bad for the poor movers. We opened windows and had fans running, but it was still 92 degrees in the house.
The movers were excellent and I would highly recommend them to anyone on the MS gulf coast that needs to move!
The rest of the things we had lined up that dayβ¦not so much. So, the A/C guy shows up around 1:00, and we finally have airβ¦but since it was 92 in the house it took until 4:00 pm to get it down to the mid 80βs.
AT&T was supposed to come but were no shows, so we called and the more than unhelpful person on the phone didnβt tell us anything and said they would have someone call us back. Hours later we find out some line has been cut and no one was coming. (So my question is WHY didnβt they call to tell us this instead of just not showing up?)
The people from the gas company were supposed to come set up our meter, also a no show. We explained to them we had no meter even though her computer screen told her that the tech read the meterβ¦.which we told her was not possible since we didnβt have a meter!
So it was definitely a very eventful day with a few kinks, and I am just hoping they can get the internet going in the next few days or I am up a creek.
We didnβt even start with the unpacking, it took all day to get everything off the truck. Those poor guys were slowed down so much by heat. Between the three of them and then three of us (me, Bobby, and my mom) we went through an entire 24 pack of water in less than six hours.
As I posted on Instagram, this picture pretty much sums up our day,
Bobby goes back to work tomorrow, and mom and I will be left with the task of starting to unpackβ¦which will be interesting because most of the stuff in boxesβ¦.I have no idea where I want it!
I know we will eventually get through it all, it was just a little overwhelming for one day. So, we survived, but still have a ton to do. However we are excited to finally be getting settled into our new home! Please hang with me as I have no idea what my internet situation will be like over the next few days.
QOTD: Least favorite part of moving? Ever had someone be a no show to an appointment?

Sorry to hear that you had so many no shows yesterday! Even though things never happen the way we hope they will when moving, those companies shouldn’t be stood you up the way they did. My least favorite part of moving is the packing and unpacking. Its been almost a month since we moved into our new house, and we’re still staring boxes straight in the face. Painting is going soooooooo slowly, and I refuse to unpack boxes in a room that hasn’t been fully painted yet. Someday we’ll get fully unpacked.
Sorry things got off to a bumpy start. I hope from here on out you can enjoy “nesting” as you set up your new home for the two of you and baby “M”. I dread the day I would have to pack up and move. I can’t believe all the stuff/junk we’ve acquired in the time we’ve been here!
No AC? That is just way too brutal! Let’s hope the other companies come in and hook y’all up. That is my least favorite part, getting back online. I can unpack like nobody’s business, but when I don’t have internet or cable, that’s an issue. Last year I entertained myself with some movies until the cable company came the next day. It’s funny, with internet and cable, I’m fine not using it but I don’t have it, ugh!
The actual act of moving is such a pain in the butt, but it’s so nice to finally start your new chapter!
so sorry about all the hangups…but your kitchen looks fabulous!!!! π
Heather I’m so sorry for the rough day. Seems like every time we’ve ever moved it’s been 1 billion degrees outside. We moved a ton when I was growing up and my mom would always take great care to do the master bedroom first and then our bedrooms. She said the rest of the house could stay in shambles, but at the end of the day, we needed an ordered place to lay our heads. She was pretty smart. Hang in there!
No AC in the southern heat and humidity? That is some crazy-ness for sure, especially being in your third trimester! Hopefully the rest of the week is less hectic for y’all and people show up to their appointments at the house!
Oh man moving is NOT fun! But it will be so worth it when you’re all unpacked and settled in!
I hate moving! Hoping you guys get settled soon!
Moving is the worst! I feel like that always happens to me with the cable and electric companies. Hopefully you get your internet soon! Your house looks super cute though and I’m sure it’s going to look beautiful once it’s unpacked!
Yicks, talk about a stressful day! Moving is crazy enough without having to deal with no A/C and other unhelpful issues. Hope you get your internet and everything up and running soon. The good thing is, once you get everything set, you’ll be happy and able to enjoy your new home. Congrats on that, btw!
I AM SUCH A CRANKY A$$ HAT when it’s HOT! OMG OMG OMG! DO NOT BE AROUND ME! LOL!!!!!! So I can only imagine how much you wanted to KICK SOMETHING – but good thing you didn’t kick anything in your new place π