It is a bit overwhelming for me to think of things in terms of an entire year. So many big (and little) things happened this year in my life. Just going back through my posts from this past year has had me laughing and crying all at the same time. Then I re-read my 2010 recap. Whew. 2010 was a particularly tough year, you can check out it’s recap as well.
If I had to describe 2011 in one word, it would be change. Here are just a few changes that took place this past year:
-Bobby and I moved 3 hours away to a new city, a new home, and he took a new job.
-I got a job with Running Skirts
– We ended a very long battle with some of Bobby’s family that led to some personal changes
– My sister moved to Houston
– I got injured, twice, and now haven’t run in 6 weeks and have had to change some racing plans because of it.
Some other fun things happened in 2011 like….
– I ran a MARATHON!
– I ran five half marathons and six 5k’s
– I was on the cover of New Orleans Fit Magazine
-I was named a FitFluential Ambassador
– I turned 26 years old
-I celebrated my 4th wedding anniversary with Bobby
Some of the things that happened this year are not things I wanted. But, over the years I have learned that’s just how life goes. I am such a planner…I have all of these visions and dreams for my life, but I have to remember that I won’t always get my way…that’s not the way God works. The important thing is having faith that on the other side of the valley, there will be a mountaintop (or at least some nice, smooth road!) Life isn’t always easy, but there are plenty of good times to celebrate. Not to mention, as much as I hate to admit this, I learn and grow the most in the tough times.
It’s funny, to look back sometimes. When you are in a particular moment, it is so easy to get distracted and frustrated with the hand you are dealt. Then, later on when there is a solution to your problem or things get easier, there tends to be this “now why did I get so upset over that? See, it’s over, and now something good has happened/come of it!” moment. It’s difficult sometimes, but I try to remember that there is a reason for the tough times, and hopefully one day I can look back on them and see the paths that I have taken (and sometimes going off road!) and how they have led to a greater understanding of my life.
2011 was a very interesting and trying year, but I know 2012 will be great no matter what. I know some things happen TO you and you can’t change them, but this year I am DETERMINED to work on the things that I can control. Yup, that’s right, my word for 2012 is determination. I get into a bad habit of halfway doing things sometimes, and then get upset when I don’t get the results I want. I am determined to try harder to accomplish my goals. No more excuses. I have to be the change to make things happen if I want to achieve things. I know I have it somewhere inside of me, I just need to dig a little.
Thank you all so much for reading RWS this year. I love my readers so much, and truly enjoy sharing my life with you. It’s time for new beginnings, and time to make some changes. I am determined to live up to my potential in all areas of my life. Are you? Let’s go 2012. Bring it on.
QOTD: What was your favorite part of 2011?
*Ortholite giveaway ends soon! 3 winners!

Wow – what a big, fun, and awesome year! You should celebrate big this New Years Eve – not just in excitement for 2012 but in honor of 2011.
Busy year indeed! This year I: ran a few 5Ks and a 10K; sold a house; built a new house; saw my youngest turn 1 and our oldest turn 3; was told that my mom has breast cancer; celebrated my 8th wedding anniversary; am turning 30 tomorrow. It has been a year of ups and downs and everyday miracles and fabulous little moments.
I am a scrapbooker and follow Ali Edwards-she is an amazing inspiration in grace and living life in the moment. She teaches an online class called One Little Word at and I think you may be interested in it. It helps you continue to focus on your “word” with monthly prompts and chats so that you can truly make it apart of your life.
2011 was a big year! I’m determined to make 2012 even better (especially with all this hullabaloo about the world ending and everything…)!
here’s to a great 2012 for us all! and running in cute skirts, of course 🙂
Seems like 2011 was an overall wonderful year for you!! 🙂 I hope 2012 is just as good if not better! 🙂
I love all the pictures in the entry!
So sorry that you’re still not able to run, but your body probably needs the break with all that you had going on with running and racing. And don’t worry, you will just come back stronger! I took almost 2 weeks off with that wisdom tooth surgery and now that I can run again I am able to run faster than before. Hard to believe, but I think my legs just needed a break.
I love all your disney pictures too, would love to do a race there one day!
This definitely was a year of change for you, and you both certainly accomplished quite a bit. I hope you have some good last days of 2011!
I just love your blog cause it is so uplipting and you seem to always see the good even in the bad times. 🙂 I know it’s cause you have Jesus walking with you to keep you smiling….and he will keep you smiling in 2012 as well! My favorites in 2011 was times I was with my family….its great times for sure. I pray that 2012 God sends me a man that is the one for me, a job at a Christian school(i teach 1st at a public school now=i like it, but ready for a change), and to see my brother and his wife welcome Aubrey Faith in April. Oh, and to be faster than ever running wise haha.
It has been a year of change for you! I hope that 2012 is a year of excitement and determination – just as you want! 🙂 I’m here to encourage and support you as best I can!
What a great year! You have ran a lot of races! I completely agree that we can learn something from everything that happens in our lives. 🙂
One of the things that I decided to do in 2011 was to start running. I didn’t think that I had the body type for it, but did it anyway. Ended up being able to run 6.5 miles without stopping!! Who knew!
Great post and great blog! 🙂