It’s official, I am halfway through my 30’s. How did this happen? I’m not going to get all sad about it though, and instead want to tell you about how much fun I had celebrating my birthday over the weekend!
Saturday was pretty normal. Workout, clean the house, etc. Our “plan” was to go over to my parents for dinner about 4:45. We got all ready to go, and then Bobby told me to go in the bedroom and shut the door, he and Emma Kate had a surprise for me. I opened the door, and there was a small covid birthday party for me!

My cake was BEAUTIFUL. My friend Morgan made it, she is the same person who made Emma Kate’s unicorn cake. I have never had a nice cake like that before so I was super excited!

It’s all buttercream and has cookies n cream on the inside!

My sweet friends. A couple were not able to come and Bobby couldn’t invite everyone due to covid, but we still had fun!

Then on Sunday, we had kind of a family day that was really fun. Bobby and Emma Kate took me to brunch at Half Shell Oyster House one town over.

We went to Old Navy, and then to the most adorable Doughnut shop to shoot some photos for a work project.

Of course Emma Kate told EVERYONE we came in contact with that it was my birthday weekend. Bless her. Then on Monday which was my actual birthday, I worked all day and then we actually DID have dinner at my parents house haha!

We had SO much leftover cake that we just brought some and stuck candles in it. It was still just as delicious.

I got a couple cute gifts from my parents as well.

The Bobby, who had already outdone himself, got me a hard sided suitcase (my big suitcase is fabric and two wheels are broken so it doesn’t stand up, and the strap is torn off on the side.) He also got me a Roomba which I have wanted for YEARS.

I feel very blessed and spoiled, and can’t wait to see what being 35 brings our way!

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