Hey yall! Hope your Tuesday is terrific! I am still playing catch up, mostly with housework now, but things are getting more organized around the Montgomery household.
Yesterday I went to the gym and was able to run three miles after doing legs and bi’s and back. Yahoo! I was so happy! I promptly came home and iced, and am praying tomorrow I can get out of bed.
I was picked by Brian to participate in the 7 links that have been floating around blogland, so it’s share time! Let’s take a look back in the past at my 7 links:
Most Beautiful Post: What Makes You Healthy: I wrote this back in March. If you follow RWS, you know I value not only physical health, but emotional, mental, and spiritual health as well. I think we as runners and/or bloggers can SO easily fall into the trap of being healthy by just following a trend or doing what other bloggers are doing.
Most Popular Post: 6 Weeks to 6 Pack Review from April is a search term on my blog EVERY DAY. I guess a lot of people are curious about it? More specifically, people search “before and after 6 weeks to 6 pack review.” I hope my review has been helpful to some! I must say, I do NOT miss that boring video HA!
Most Controversial Post: A “Real” Runner from April (April was a big month for me I guess?) Was the obvious choice. This is the post I did in response to the awesome commenter who not only made fun of me for hosting a giveaway, but said because I ran the Disney marathon too slow, I wasn’t a real runner….Well, thanks to the awesomeness that is YOU, my readers, he was ripped a new one and sent on his way. Thanks again for having my back guys, it meant SO much to me!
Most Helpful Post: People seem to like and keep going back to my Blogging Tips post from October. It is just a collection of hints and tips…basically things I wish someone would have told me in my first month or so of blogging.
Post Whose Success Surprised Me: The Birth Control Pill Debate from September. I was just writing my feelings about getting off the pill after many years of craziness on it, and people came from all over telling me of their experiences. It was nice to know I wasn’t the only one struggling and that others had experienced side effects on and coming off their birth control pill. Boo Yaz!
Post That Didn’t Get the Attention it Deserved: I worked REALLY hard on my FitFluential Ambassador post in May (it was obviously well received though because I made the cut!) and I don’t think it got the credit it deserved. I made two videos, one being a slideshow of pictures I worked a long time on and one being a vlog I reshot probably twenty times. How bout you go show it some love?
Post You are Most Proud of: This is also easy, my Disney Marathon Recaps (one and two) from January. Not really as much for the post but for the achievement of running a marathon. This is honestly something I NEVER thought I would do, and I did it, and plan to do it AGAIN! I am so proud of myself and my husband and every time I read back through my recaps (yes I have done it many times) it puts a smile on my face!
That’s it! I hope you enjoyed this little journey into the past with me! and Now I shall nominate people to do the same!
Karen from Just me and my Running Shoes
Katye from Long Legs on the Loose
Katie from Katie Runs This
Morgan from Becoming Rooks
QOTD: Do you ever go back and reread your old posts? Why or Why not?

Yay, I’ve read all of these! Obviously 🙂
thanks for this! i had fun going back and reading your posts! and now you are making me put my thinking cap back on…
It was so tough for me to go back and remember posts!
I remember you were nervous posting your pics on the 6 weeks to 6 pack review. Does it make you feel better that it’s now your most popular post?
totally still makes me nervous! I am getting better about it though.
Hey there! Just found your blog,and I love it! I am a runner myself,and love hearing about other people’s running experiences. Can’t wait to keep reading.
Thanks for the tag! I do go back and re-read my old posts sometimes! It’s neat to see how far you’ve come and how things have changed! :0)
WHOA. Your abs are bodacious! (And I mean that in the nicest un-weirdest way.) This baby bump has me wishing I had abs like that again (okay, let’s be honest…EVER).
I love your 7 Links post and I had been secretly hoping that someone would tag me to do a post like this. My blog is still sort of new, so most of mine would be fairly recent, but I still wanted to do it. Thanks for tagging me! I’m going to work on my 7 Links post tonight and it will be posted tomorrow! 🙂
LOVE that you ran a Disney Marathon! Its on my bucket list and I totally plan on stopping for character pics all along the route! 🙂
You are my new best friend 🙂 thank you!
Oooh, I need to check out this post on birth control! That’s one several of my friends and I talk about a lot.