Happy hump day friends! It is supposed to be another beautiful day here in south Louisiana. In case you missed me talking about it yesterday, it was beautiful then, too. My mom and I went to breakfast at the Broken Egg café, which happens to be the original one!
Only here will you find a food/menu item named the Mardi Gras.
we ate, we chatted, we relaxed. It was very nice!
Then we drove all of 20 feet to the lakefront, and went for a two mile walk. We even ran a few tenths here and there! It. was. gorgeous. If every day could be like this one I would be a happy girl.
It was an awesome way to kick off the month of March. That got me thinking about the month. I will be honest, February kinda sucked. It’s my least favorite month of the year. The hype of Christmas is over, the marathon is over, and it’s COLD, and it’s DREARY, and everyone is tired of it. (Don’t you love how I speak for everyone?!?) I also had a LOT of stuff personally going on in February that was not so good. But March, ah wonderful March. Spring, getting dark later, green grass, oh the bliss! I decided since February was so crappy, March has to be good, right? I have decided to make March MY month. The month of good times and good things. I want to really focus on being healthy, fit, and positive. I also have a few mini goals for March:
1.) Run a 5K and PR. I think I can handle three miles of running hard even with my tight IT band. I REALLY want to do this, because I know I can, and I want to before it starts getting too warm in April/May to have a shot at it.
2.) Strength train more. I didn’t put a specific amount on this because I am already doing it somewhat as a 2011 goal, I just need to do MORE! I want to be able to tell a difference in my body.
3.) Unpack ALL the boxes in my new house. I have heard too many horror stories about moving where things stay in boxes for months. I will NOT let that be me when we move this weekend. I want a fresh start with a new, clean, and organized home!
4.) Meet new people in our new town. It will be easy to just stay in my pretty new house all the time and not go anywhere or meet anyone, but we will be trying out different churches, hopefully find some running people/groups, neighborhood friends, etc. so we can be social!
I think that’s all for now. I am just trying to stay positive and really want to have a great month! I know that I am in control of my own attitude so I am trying to focus on the good and be joyful no matter what! I will keep you posted on my progress!
QOTD: Do you have any March goals?

I hope you have a great month! Once the bad months (Jan and Feb) are over, I feel so much more hopeful too. March is always my month b/c it’s my bday 🙂
Oh and I’m one of those people who still hasn’t unpacked boxes! We cannot part with our grad school books and we have no where to put them, so in the boxes they stay haha.
when I was writing the post I kept thinking March is your month b/c of your bday!
I hope March is better for you — and me too! One of my friends just told me about having a black box and a gold box — putting your frustrations/questions in one and your blessings in another. A good reminder that we give our frustrations and blessings to God! I like your idea of goals for the month…I should think about doing that as well.
I was the crazy lady who had almost all of our boxes unpacked within 2 days. I couldn’t STAND to see boxes everywhere. I think I actually started to unpack them as we brought them in! The best part is figuring out where everything will go — it’s a brand new slate!
that will be me with the boxes!
I’m hoping to PR at my upcoming 5K, but with the injury I’ve got going on, I might have to push that to April’s races.
I’ve also got a goal of actually starting with my running group that I signed up for! Very nervous, but I think it’s absolutely necessary for me at this time.
Good luck on your goals!!! I definitely need to strength-train more too. Like A LOT.
GL on your 5k!
Great goals! And I totally agree with you about February. Mine was kind of dreary! One of my goals for March is to stop procrastinating!
good goal!
So with you- February was a rocky month for me too. I’m ready for spring to be here and all the races that come with it- probably doing a 5K soon myself :). Moving is so stressful with unpacking, but I was the same way… I unpacked everything that weekend! Clutter just gets on my nerves like that.
Running is a really great way to meet people, especially with running groups and clubs. Church is good too I guess, but it seems like most churches now are super big so it’s hard to meet people… at least here anyway *shrugs*. But hopefully you’ll meet some new people soon.
a lot of big churches here too. Thats why we try to get pluged into a sunday school class/bible study/small group to hopefully meet new people!
Oh and I read your other posts… your high school totally stole UNC’s logo for its awards, haha!
haha yeah I guess they did!
There’s a box of books in the trunk of my car. It may have been in there before I was in grad school. And I love March too! January and February are such downers.
haha too funny!
What a gorgeous day! I love your goals and can’t wait to hear about your progress!
I think February is the most disliked month by a lot of people–good thing it is the shortest too!
I agree!
One of my goals right now is to run a 5k and PR too! I know I can, but for some reason, I’ve been so reluctant to sign up for a race lately.
just do it! then you won’t have a choice ha!
I hope to increase my mileage compared to February. I had a pretty busy month with vacations and moving so I didn’t quite hit my goal. That’ll change in March! I also want to run a 5km race and maybe a longer distance as well – we’ll see. I’m already registered for the 5km on March 12th so maybe I’ll PR?
good luck! sounds like a good plan.
Your goals sound great and I know you’ll meet them…no doubt about that! :0) Yum…Broken Egg…you are making my mouth water! lol
thanks Karen!
It was yummy. i was good though and didn’t get anything sweet like banans foster french toast!
You probably didn’t move to Baton Rouge, but you can come meet me, I’m always looking for new friends! Especially people that love Disney 🙂
Glad the move went well, hope your internet is back up soon.
haha thanks! we are on the MS gulf coast now, so not to to far away!