It’s Wednesday again? Wow, time is just flying right now for me, which is great because we go to Disneyworld in 6 weeks or so WHOOP! Speaking of Disney….a BIG announcement is coming out today, so check back here tomorrow for information! This is big time stuff Disney fans!
Do you remember back over a month ago I declared March “my month” and set a few mini goals for myself? I thought it was time for me to take a look back and see how I did! It’s interesting to me, because some of the goals were met, but not exactly in the way that I THOUGHT they would be met. Kind of like how answered prayer works huh?
March was not as happy and smooth sailing as I thought it was going to be. (Contrary to popular belief, I don’t share EVERYTHING about my life on the blog!) Two kind of major-ish not good things happened this month and it has been hard to swallow, but guess what? I am still alive, still going, not letting it get me down. Sure, I have my moments, but I am doing fairly well despite the circumstances.
Let’s rewind shall we? My old post is in black, new comments in red.
1.) Run a 5K and PR. I think I can handle three miles of running hard even with my tight IT band. I REALLY want to do this, because I know I can, and I want to before it starts getting too warm in April/May to have a shot at it. I did do this…but not exactly how I thought. My “unofficial” PR is 28:02, which was simply a training run at home. I can’t seem to get the best race day conditions! I ran 5k and PR’ed, but it was HOT and SUNNY out and I wanted to die. I wanted to run in the 27’s because I know I can, but the weather just didn’t agree with me. Guess I should have been more specific on my goal, huh?
2.) Strength train more. I didn’t put a specific amount on this because I am already doing it somewhat as a 2011 goal, I just need to do MORE! I want to be able to tell a difference in my body. I am proud to say I am doing this! My husband is helping me on his weight bench, I have been doing bench press reps a couple times a week, and I have been faithfully doing my Jillian Michaels 6 weeks to 6 pack DVD, which works WAY more than just abs, trust me! I am 3 weeks in and it’s a killer!
3.) Unpack ALL the boxes in my new house. I have heard too many horror stories about moving where things stay in boxes for months. I will NOT let that be me when we move this weekend. I want a fresh start with a new, clean, and organized home! I have ALMOST reached this goal, which isn’t too shabby. All I have left are a few things that need to go into the attic, and a couple boxes in the guest room and office I am just not sure where to put yet. But besides that, we are finally unpacked a month later!
4.) Meet new people in our new town. It will be easy to just stay in my pretty new house all the time and not go anywhere or meet anyone, but we will be trying out different churches, hopefully find some running people/groups, neighborhood friends, etc. so we can be social! This is obviously a work in progress, but we are getting there. We have been visiting a church we like and even went to a game night with a sunday school class. hoping to join a running group this summer that will also help with meeting people. We have also met several neighbors who have been very nice.
Looking back, not too shabby Heather! I am a firm believer in setting mini accomplishable goals so you do them and feel good about yourself instead of setting some huge obscure probably will never reach goal. Those have their time and place, but just not what I needed right now. So March threw me a few curveballs, but I think it was successful! I know we are already 6 days into April but I wanted to make a couple more mini goals….
1.) Finish all 6 weeks of my 6 weeks to 6 pack DVD. It’s important to me to finish this. A lot of times I have good intentions but don’t finish what I start, so I really want to do this (and because I want to buy a new swimsuit for the cruise and won’t let myself unless I finish this thing!)
2.) TOTALLTY unpack. I need an extra little boost to get the rest of this stuff done so it doesn’t end up hanging around for another month!
3.) Attitude overhaul. Due to some of the yucky things that did or didn’t happen this month, I feel like I need an attitude overhaul. Instead of focusing on my circumstances, I need to focus on having a better attitude and getting through the trials with grace instead of whining through them and wallowing in self pity. Thinking about how blessed I truly am and focusing on what I could be doing to help others is a good way for me to change my attitude. it’s hard to “find my place” in my “new” life, but I keep praying it will become clear to me!
4.) Get our house sold! Yes…we still haven’t sold our old house yet. This would be a HUGE answer to prayer. I know this one isn’t really in my control, but I pray about it every day, and hopefully this will be our month!
QOTD: Do you have any mini goals for April? share!

I love it when people share updates on their goals–so thanks for sharing!
I followed you over from the disboards but have never posted before. Just wanted to let you know I really enjoy reading your blog – it is my little escape each day from the responsibilities of being a mom/wife etc. You have a great writing style and I love how you seem to handle adversity and keep moving forward. My April goal is to finish potty training my son & not let the fact that I am turning 33 freak me out too much!
PS – I actually saw you when you were running the Disney Marathon. My family and I were walking from our room at the Beach Club through Epcot and were waiting to cross the street in England and you ran by!
OMG thats SO COOL you saw me! totally should have said hi! That time was awful for me…My poor husband was really hurting then and I just wanted to sprint to the end to be DONE!
Thanks so much for your sweet comment, it means a lot!
GOOD LUCK with the potty training, that is not something I look forward to one day when I have kids! You can do it!
Great job with your goals!! It’s always tough adjusting to a new place, but it seems like you are making lot of progress. My only major goal for April is to finish and do my best at the boston marathon – I also need to do other things (like figure out financial stuff for grad school) but I don’t think I can focus on that until after the race!
I say thats an awesome goal to focus on! I know you will do great!
Great post! I have a few things I’d like to accomplish in April…1. Be more consistent with my prayer time and Bible study time. 2. Enjoy the last 6 weeks with my first graders no matter how bonkers they can make me! 🙂 3. Work on my speedwork and cross train some. 4. Be a better witness to others. 5. Find a new apt. And 6. Enjoy each day more…rain orshine because it is a gift! 🙂
those are great goals! good luck with the next 6 weeks. I remember the last few weeks of school used to make me crazy. It was the only thing that kept me from being sad they were moving tot eh next grade!
Congrats on completing your goals!! Look out for a goal list sometime tomorrow!!
Hi Heather! Great job, especially with that unpacking! That is the worst! I love your house by the way..not sure if I’ve ever told you.
Anyway, here are some of mine, but they’re a little more long term than for just April.
1. Get in shape.
I had a difficult pregnancy and actually came out 30 pounds less than I went in. Not how I ever thought I’d lose the weight, but I’ll happily take it. Now I need to KEEP.IT.OFF! I am going to get The Biggest Loser Wii dvd and make an effort to get out for runs 3 times a week. I also want to join a Zumba class this summer.
2. Take two grad classes.
I need to do this professionally. I also have to make the decision to get my CAGS and potentially think about administrative positions.
3. Have a fun summer with my daughter.
The weather is finally finally getting decent around here after a horrendous winter. I really want to do fun things like library time, maybe a baby gym class, and just have fun with her.
4. Maybe maybe start a blog! I’m starting to get intrigued. We’ll see. 😉
I remember wehn i was little my mom would take us to the library in the sumemrs to check out books, I loved it! I hope you get to do that! Greta goals!
Thanks for updating…its pretty motivating to see/read people follow through on goals. And congrats on the awesome follow through! We still have a few random boxes that haven’t been unpacked…we moved into our apt 2 years ago – they aren’t unpacked because I’m lazy and don’t feel like setting of the decorative bookshelf.
I really like your “attitude overhaul” goal – I think you get crazy props for being able to take a step back and realizing how an attitude can affect things! Good luck finding your place…you’ll find it!
Hey there! I’m at work browsing your blog from my new iphone!
Just wanted to say I love reading through your
blog and look forward to all your posts! Carry on the excellent work!