Today is half marathon number 15. I am excited and nervous all at the same time. It’s going to be a lot of fun, and I am trying not to “expect too much” out of my healing body. Waking up before the sun isn’t fun, the pain of the race isn’t fun, but I sure do love the feeling of the finish. See you on the other side of this one!
I will be wearing the shirt in the above picture, sporting and supporting Run Pink! (Don’t forget if you want to register for the Woman’s half in Baton Rouge you can save $15 on registration by entering RPAHeather at checkout!) if you see me on the course of the Jazz Half or before/after, be sure to say hello! I can’t wait to share it with you, and am so happy to be running thanks to my great sponsors, Rebootizer!
Bobby is running too, but I will be going this one alone. Here’s to a fun one! Be sure to follow me on Twitter or instagram for updates! (@runningwithsass, or click on the icons on the right sidebar)
QOTD: Do you get nervous or excited for races?

Have a fantastic race!!
Wow 15 races! That’s amazing!
Wow 15 is a ton!! I’ve only run a handful of halfs, and I’m not sure if I see too many more in my future (I get bored way too fast). I love race mornings and get so excited before a race!