We did it! Half marathon number 13 for me, and I got my coast to coast medal. The Disneyland half marathon was a success! Don’t worry, there will be much more to tell about the race including a full recap, but we only have a few days in Disneyland and I want to enjoy them, but also be ...
Disneyland Expo
Whew what a fun but exhausting day! I know I am skipping telling you all about several things, but I am trying to keep race things grouped together right now and will go back and talk about the hotel, parks, etc. So yesterday in my post I spoke a bit about going to the expo, so be sure to ...
Arriving in Disneyland
We made it we made it! After a long LONG day of traveling, we are finally here! We left the house at 4:45 yesterday morning and drove two hours to the Pensacola airport. Then we flew to Atlanta, barely made our connection to LAX, and after a lot of traffic and waiting for a bus, we made it ...
Disney Cruise and Vacation: Part 6
Hi guys! Well, we are still here! It’s still raining here, still very windy. I posted several videos of the storm on my You Tube channel if you want to check them out. It's been a tedious few days, and the big news from yesterday is my flight got cancelled for tomorrow, so we are now having ...
Runner’s World and runDisney
*I wasn’t sure if I was going to have electricity on Wednesday or not, so I wrote and scheduled this post on Monday. I will try to update my hurricane status via Twitter and Facebook if I can. You may remember awhile back runDisney and Runner’s World announced a new partnership for the ...
HLS 2012: Chobani Dinner at Evoo
On the Saturday night of Healthy Living Summit, I was invited along with a few other lovely blogger ladies to attend a special Chobani hosted dinner at a restaurant called Evoo. We took the shuttle to a nearby stop and walked to the restaurant. They had a private room set up for us with ...