I truly believe that we are supposed to learn from every experience in life, the good and the bad, the fun and the agonizing. I also believe in not “wasting” an experience. What I mean, is when something happens, good or bad but I tend to learn more in the bad, and we don’t learn anything ...
Beach Trip 2012: Part 3
We left off part 2 of the trip after our amazingly fun day relaxing at the beach and playing some volleyball. Unfortunately, we had to be up bright and early Monday morning so Bobby could be at his conference for 8:00. We ate breakfast together before he left, and then I gathered my things ...
Round Two
For some reason, my body is not liking me right now. I alluded to it in some previous posts, but I am having foot trouble again. It started a couple weeks ago, very very dull small ache on the top of my foot. We went out of town to the beach and I decided not to run at all until I got back. ...
Beach Trip 2012 Part 2
If you missed part one of our beach trip, be sure to read it first then come back for today’s post. I left off after our first night at the beach. We woke up Sunday morning excited for an entire day of fun in the sun and the sand. We ate breakfast out on the patio, and then lathered up the ...
runDisney: Special Guest for Marathon Weekend
This year’s Walt Disney World marathon weekend promises to be the best yet. With it being the 20th anniversary of the race, there are all kinds of changes and fun being added for 2013. The fun just keeps on rolling in, with the newest exciting announcement coming out yesterday. I am stoked ...
Birthday Weekend 2012
Monday already! I was looking forward to last weekend for so long, and now it’s sadly over. It was however fantastic, and I had a great and relaxing birthday. Let’s backtrack to Friday. My sweet husband had the kitchen/living room decorated when I woke up and had my gift ready. He left for ...