As I mentioned last year, today is one of the most sad days of the year for me. I am obsessed with the Christmas season, so the end of it is just so depressing. We usually leave our decorations up until New Years, but honestly, I am just ready to put everything away because it makes me so ...
Merry Christmas 2011
Merry Christmas! I hope you are all having an amazing day spending time with your loved ones. We have had a great time so far, but more on that later. I want to spend time actually enjoying Christmas, I will blog more about it later. We are headed to my cousin’s house, and then back home for ...
Christmas Weekend Happenings
It’s Christmas Eve! It’s Christmas Eve! Bobby and I (and the girls) are at my parents house for a few days to celebrate. Today will be lots of baking, lots of Christmas music, and of course, a fire in the fireplace. We are going to visit my grandmother and then go to church later this ...
OrthoLite Giveaway
Ggoooodddd morning! It is officially starting to feel like Christmas! I started doing some baking, and this afternoon we will head to my parents for a few days. No worries, I will have my trusty laptop companion. Today I wanted to tell you a little about a product I was asked to try out, ...
Doctor’s Orders
So I went to the doctor on Tuesday, confident that my foot was going to be fine, and I would be walking without the boot by that afternoon, and running within a few days. It never crossed my mind that what I wanted may not happen. My foot never really “hurt” except the couple days after I ...
GNC Live Well Now
Good morning! Today I want to tell you a little bit about some products GNC was gracious enough to let me try out. I love GNC, so I was excited when I saw a box on my porch containing some goodies to try out. I thought I would do a fun vlog of my experience instead of just typing it all ...