It’s here, it’s here! The day I have been waiting for! No, not Christmas, it’s the day I HOPEFULLY get my boot off! It has been three weeks, and I will be honest, they have FLOWN by. Has the boot been an inconvenience? Yes. Do I miss running? Heck yes! But in a way I think it’s been good to ...
December Weekend Happenings
Good morning! I can’t believe Christmas will be here in six days. Wasn’t it just Halloween? Time is flying! Some of you have asked what I have been up to lately since I have been MIA a couple of weekends. Wedding fun has been the theme of December. Here are a few pictures I finally uploaded ...
Virtual Christmas Tour
Ho Ho Ho! Christmas is ONE WEEK from Today! Blows my mind. I just want to grab hold or it and enjoy every second before it’s gone. A few weeks ago I shared my Christmas Tree and outside lights pictures. and then I asked you to share your pictures with me so it would be light a virtual ...
RWS Features #4
Good morning! I am actually away this weekend at another wedding. People just getting hitched left and right! I hope you all have a fabulous last weekend before Christmas. Soak up the season and enjoy this time! Everyone say hello to Brigid! She blogs at Live, Breathe, Huzzah! ...
Christmas Survey
Good morning! I have another busy weekend ahead, more wedding fun is just around the corner. I am heading to the gym to get in a workout before the madness begins. But first, I saw this fun Christmas survey on Julie’s blog and since I am pretty obsessed with Christmas, I wanted to join in on ...
Is everyone else singing an awesome Brittney Spears song in their head right now? It’s ok, I am too. If you have been reading RWS for awhile, you know I take thyroid medication. In case you missed this, check out my thyroid story post. Anyway, I have been on my meds for two months, and my ...