They say there is a first time for everything, but I did not anticipate my first time going to the emergency room to be Thursday night. I had gone to bed about 10:00 and Bobby was awake still in the game room. I was woken up to a stabbing pain in my stomach. It got worse and worse, so I went ...
Friday Favorites: New Bedding
Good morning, I am so happy it’s Friday! Not to mention it’s 11/11/11. How weird is THAT? I am dorky and want to write on something like a check or a bill just so I can write the date. I know, I know…strange. I have a fun weekend planned with my family and am excited to see my parents ...
Hood to Coast Movie
Awhile back, I was contacted and asked to review the Hood to Coast movie. I have of course heard of Hood to Coast from people who have run it, seen the film, etc. I did not get a chance to see it in theaters so I was excited to have this opportunity. Not going to lie, I knew the BASIC idea ...
To Be Great
Everyone wants to be good at something. No one likes to just be “average” at things they put hard work into. “Great” is also a relative term depending on who you are talking to. Why am I brining all of this up? eh. It’s just something that has been on my mind recently. I do NOT write this ...
Lacing Up
No new news on my foot except it still hurts. I am taking ibuprofen and icing, hopefully after a week or so off I can run on it again. While doing some research on what caused this barrel of fun, I came across several articles suggesting I lace my shoes up differently to help prevent pain ...
Giving Thanks
Hey guys! I am officially feeling much better so it’s business as usual on the blog today. I have a couple more giveaways coming up in the next couple weeks so stay tuned! If you are catching up, here is what you missed: Guest Post: Lisa Guest Post: Carly Halloween in Pictures Another ...