Happy Friday! Who has exciting weekend plans? I am currently gearing up for an expo and half marathon! I am really excited about this one because it is my Team in Training race that I have been raising money for all spring and summer. I will be working a Running Skirts booth at the expo, and ...
September Goals Rewind
Good morning! I woke up today and remembered I am being featured on Fitblogger this morning! Please go over there and check it out. I am packing up today and heading out to my next expo and half marathon, so Husband will be a bachelor yet again for a couple of days. If you will remember ...
Disney Halloween 5k Fun Run
I decided to run the Disney Halloween 5k a few weeks ago, but then I got sick coming back from vacation. I had a bad cold going into this work trip and I felt miserable. Friday, I worked the expo from 8:00 am to 8:30 pm. I didn’t know how I would get up at 5 am for the 5k, then work the expo all ...
Expo Fun
Aaahhhh it’s good to be home. Yesterday was a DISASTER. On my way out of town from my parents, I stopped at the Toyota dealership to get an oil change. Easy, right? Er- wrong. Very, wrong. On the way there a random light came on the dashboard and started blinking. I had no idea what it ...
24 hours
Hey all! I am back from my work trip. Hope You all had a nice weekend. I am zonked but had a blast working the Expo. I was up from 5 am Saturday to 5 am Sunday...24 hours, including a 5k, full day of work, and running the half. Now I am Trying to recover and catch up on work and emails. I will ...
Disney Day 2 Cont. September 2011
Ok So I left off after the Saints game right? We went back to the hotel to get ready for Appetizers + Dinner with some friends of mine who were also in Disneyworld! I of course wore my jersey to dinner. Appetizers were yum as usual! We headed to the Wilderness Lodge to eat at ...