Howdy from Mississippi! I am FINALLY home! More on that later. I have pictures and fun stores to share with you from the expo etc, but I figured I would just start with the half marathon/recap for the actual race and then backtrack ok? OK! Here we go! Michelle and I didn’t get finished ...
Change of plans, hello Charlotte!
Hi all! I know I said I would be blogging today but there was a slight change of plans. My flight out of Charlotte to NOLA kept getting delayed, so Jen from picked me up and I spent the night with her! When we left my flight had been pushed back to 9 pm! So now we are eating ...
Providence expo day 1
Hi everyone! I can honestly say I am so exhausted! Above are pics from the Expo and a walk around Providence looking for froyo! I can't wait to share more pics and stories when I get back. We had a great day selling skirts and can't wait for more fun tomorrow! I also got to meet a coupe of blog ...
Providence Expo Set Up
Hi friends! Check our our before and after shots of the Running Skirts Expo Booth! It was quite overwhelming starting out and we had a few bumps in the road along the way but we did it! I am having a blast with Michelle and I am learning a lot. I am so excited to meet everyone tomorrow and Saturday ...
Hi friends! Michelle and I safetly made it to our hotel last night. I found a Starbucks while I waited for her to land! Our hotel is so nice! We headed to Bed Bath and Beyond to buy bins for the Skirts And Then ate at Panera Bread at the beautiful mall attached to the hotel! Providence is so nice ...
Hello Philly!
Hi there! I am currently in Philadelphia! Which is weird, because I will be BACK here in two short weeks for the Healthy Living Summit! Unfortunately, this time it’s just a layover (for three hours, ug) and I am catching another flight to Providence this afternoon. But let’s back up. ...