Happy Father’s Day to all you dad’s out there! The puppies are very glad to have such a great daddy who loves them and takes care of them. And, I am very very lucky to have an amazing dad of my own! My dad and I have a good relationship, I share his sense of humor so we get along great ...
The Disney Dream Part I
Hola! Happy Saturday friends! I hope you are staying cool wherever you are. it is hellaciously (is that a word?) hot down here….heat indexes of 108ish. So yucky! So, let’s think about something fun, like my Disney cruise! So, Memorial day weekend Sunday, we woke up ready to get on the Mickey boat! ...
Running Skirts Sales Summit
FRIDAY! I know I have been slacking on the Friday Favorites posts, but I REALLY want to tell you about my time with my new running skirts family, and don’t want to wait till Monday, so once again, no Friday favorites. But I think you will like this post! Ok so we left off at the train ...
FitFluential and more Disney
Fun announcement today! I was selected as one of FitFluentials ambassadors! Check out the page, and my bio HERE. I am so honored to be one of the ones chosen! If you missed my “audition” blog post, you can check that out HERE. I am excited for whatever is in store for me with ...
California Fun Part 2
Ok so we left off after a fun filled night at downtown Disney in California. Oh wait, did you miss part one? check it out HERE. Ok, moving on. So Sunday the weather was equally beautiful. I woke up wide awake at 6:00, even got up and did some things on the computer and called Bobby. Then I ...
Aloha part 2
Yesterday I ran three miles, then Bobby and I went to the gym and did tri’s, legs, and chest, then did 20 minutes on the bike. I am feeling it today! Ok so we left off after our first day in Disney. The next morning we woke up with a mission. It was Star Wars weekend, and we HAD to ride ...