Baby it’s cold outside! For this southern girl, it’s WAY too cold! in the mid thirties when I woke up. I waited until the “hottest part of the day” to run, and it was a whopping 44 degrees, that’s like a blizzard for south Louisiana! Wait…did I just say I went for a run? Why yes, yes I did! a ...
Happy Thanksgiving 2010
Gobble Gobble! Is everyone stuffed and now wearing their stretchy pants?! I hope you are having a great day with family and friends. It is 83 degrees here…not even joking! Not very Thanksgiving-y but what can you do? We have cooked, eaten, napped, and are now ready for SAINTSGIVING! Who ...
Happy Anniversary!
Well, it was actually yesterday but close enough! One year ago yesterday, I started blogging about running. At that point, I was not blogging daily, but I had the idea to blog about my fitness simply for accountability. I was preparing to run the Disney half, and I wanted to make sure I got runs in ...
2010 Goals
Happy rainy Tuesday! I tell ya, all this rain is making me so sleepy! Not to mention the garlic fries and half of a cheeseburger I had for lunch! My mom and I ran some errands, and I went with her to vote, and we went to lunch at New Orleans Hamburger Company. I hadn’t been to this new(er) ...
Jazz Half Marathon Race Recap Part 2
My alarm went off all too soon at 5:20. I did not want to wake up! I forced myself out of bed and finally got Bobby up. (He is NOT a morning person!) We got all ready to go and Karen texted me to see when we were going down. I said 6:30, and we finished pinning on ...
Jazz Half Marathon Recap Part 1
Happy Halloween! I hope everyone is having a good day. it’s beautiful here in South Louisiana. I slept so awful last night after the race. I was so achy and restless, and my knee was killing me, and today I have been hobbling around and icing my leg. So yesterday was the Jazz half marathon. ...