So in case you missed my first best husband ever post, you can look HERE Well, somehow, he outdid himself! I went to the gym this morning, then we met for lunch and I went to get groceries while he "went to the gym." I came home and was on the phone with a client in the office when he came home. i ...
More of Castaway Cay Day 1
SO where I last left you we had made it out to quiet, peaceful, and empty Serenity Bay The water was SO CLEAR you could see straight to the bottom you can tell it's the first day by how pale I am! our little "set up." In the background are cabanas you can rent for an insane amount of ...
Happy Birthday To Me!
So today I turn a quarter of a century old just before 1:00 pm. I actually feel old this year. Not sure why. Maybe because 25 seems like a momentous birthday. Halfway through the 20's. Halfway to 30 from the 20's. Closer to 50. Yikes! OkΒ enough with being depressing. I woke up this morning to a ...
1st stop at Castaway Cay
I had been looking forward to this day for MONTHS, years maybe. Going to Disney's private island: Castaway Cay. Also, more importantly, going to the adults only beach on sid island...serenity bay! We got up early and went to breakfast at beach blanket buffet. We got off the ship as soon as we ...
Boarding day continued (again)
Ok so back to Mickey boat pictures! The last set I posted were of our room, and lunch and some exploring of the ship. Here we go with more! This is the Quiet cove (adult) pool. aaahh Mickey kid's pool eerr...random shot of the deck! by that time it was time to head back to our ...
Early Birthday
We went to my parents house this weekend and celebrated early. (My bday is the 13th) We did a lot of nothing, just hanging out talking. I did elliptical Saturday and Bobby and I ran 3 miles this morning. It was nice, and not too hot yet! Last night we had birthday cake, it was wedding cake flavored, ...