We walked through the ears and saw the welcome aboard signs! When we got to the lobby they asked our names and said over the loudspeaker "welcome aboard" and said our families names. It was a nice touch. We were directed down the hall to eat lunch. VERY excited to finally be on the mickey ...
Day 2 of vacation pictures
We got up and ate breakfast in the food court at Port Orleans, then drove to the port, it took about an hour. cruise terminal while bobby and my mom checked in, dad and I parked the truck and met them inside. We sat around but for only about 45 minutes. they called our boarding group number ...
Disney Trip Day 1
Ok so i decided I am not going to go REALLY into detail here with what happened on the trip, but it would be more of a picture diary with a few explinations thrown in. Also, I won't do it everyday b/c it's WAY time consuming but I will throw in differnt days every few days or whenever I have the ...
Castaway Cay 5k
Ok So I thought while I formulate my thoughts on what to share about my trip I would go ahead and share with you the 2 times I actually worked out. (We also walked a lot too!) I ran on the ship on our sea day on the treadmill. The fitness center has windows all across the front looking out and I was ...
Happy Birthday Bobby!
Today was Bobby's 27th Birthday. The day started out with me making him breakfast in bed and giving him his presents (a couple blu ray's and running shoes of course!) He ate on the birthday plate (we have a lot of traditions!) Ok so we have this running joke we have had ever since Bobby's 22nd ...
Saturday ramblings
Nothing too exciting going on here today. I have been cleaning, grocery shopping, etc. I need to run but it is so humid and in the 90's and sunny. Aint happening. At least not right now. So, my options are do a workout video or wait till later to run. Thoughts? SO to entertain you, here are some ...