So we did our long run today, 10 miles. From the title you can guess that this wasn't a good thing. I knew it wouldn't be "great" because I am a morning runner, and we didn't get to run till 1:45 in the afternoon, the WORST part of the day for me, the slump. boo! It was about 52 degrees, not too ...
Snow Pictures
Ok so nothing too exciting to report today. I guess I got a "workut" yesterday pushing the two giant snowballs up the hill that we made because I am SO SORE! Madness! Tomorrow we are going to atempt 10 miles, depending on the weather. Should be exciting! Here are some snow pictures I took with my ...
Snow Day
This morning I woke up after a glorious 9 hours of sleep, and then remembered, it was snowing when i went to bed last night! I looked out the window to find a beautiful 5 inches of snow, and still snowing! in central MS! The snow was still falling, too! these pics are from my iphone so they aren't ...
Aint’s No More!
SUPERBOWL CHAMPIONS! Last night was SO great. I had a blast watching my boys. They played so well, and really deserved it. I am so glad for my hometown, homestate, AAHH! Bless you boys!Β My mom said it's crazy down there. The parade is tomorrow, schools are letting out early, fun! My sister drove ...
The Dangers of Running
Most of you are probably going "huh? running is good for you? how is it dangerous?" Well, if you don't run, I am here to tell you, be careful, it can be hazardous to your health! Let me give you some examples: Dogs. yes dogs. We have a leash law in our neighborhood, but does that stop people from ...
Eating Healthy
My husand and I have really been trying to eat more healthy. I am SUCH a picky eater though, so it's hard. Here is a sampling of things I won't eat: 1. Seafood 2. Salad 3. eggs (except in cakes and things. I have eaten omlets before but not often) 4. Most veggies 5. mustard, mayo, tomato, (things on ...