I spent my morning glued to the computer, watching this.
I jumped up and down and cheered as Shalane and Kara crossed the finish line. I did the same with the men’s race, not caring that I had just returned from the gym and could smell myself. I was on a runners high and I didn’t even race. I took the dogs for a walk, took a shower, and then we on the phone with a friend, a Boston area resident actually, when we heard about the explosions. I was sad, hurt, and very very angry. Runners and their families are great people. I can imagine the family members cheering wildly, waiting for a glimpse of their loved one approaching the finish line. How devastating of a day for all involved, and just a scary reminder that life is precious, and that there is evil in the world. The thing is, this could happen anywhere to any one of us on any given day. We are not promised tomorrow, so don’t take a single second for granted. Hug the neck of those you love, take a chance, face a fear. You only live once, so make the most of it.
Pray for the country, pray for the city of Boston, for the runners, and their families. Pray for the evil in the world, that those with bad intentions would have a change of hear.
Today, I will be running 4.09 miles in honor of the lives lost, people injured, and the hurting families. Four hours and nine minute was the time on the clock when the first bomb went off, so it seems fitting. Will you join me and do the same? I will be praying the whole way.
QOTD: Will you run for Boston today? Post below if you decide to do so.

A windy but sunny 4.09 miles completed here in the UK this Tuesday morning. Still shocked & horrified at the inhumanity. The spirit never dies. Thoughts & prayers to all affected.
Love this idea! I’ve also seen people saying they will run for 26.2 minutes. I’m definitely going to do one of the two!
I’m shocked and couldn’t stop crying. I’m running 4.09 today in honor of Boston
After spectating yesterday, far away from the finish line, I too will be toeing the line for 4.09 today. Nothing will stop us runners from supporting those who suffered yesterday.
I plan to do this today for my lunchtime run! I also reposted this on my blog to encourage others to join in!
Good idea! I’m going to try to run, but it may not be far b/c of my leg.
I’m pretty confused by the 4:09 on the clock. My brother in law finished the race more than 1.5 hrs before the bombs and he finished in 3:15, so I wonder which clock this was. There must have been multiple clocks running?
There are so many people who run the marathon (over 27,000 from what I heard, probably including people not registered) that they have different start times. First wheelchairs, then women’s elite at 9:30, men’s elite at 10:00, then there are still 2 waves after that. I was confused too, but the time must have been from the 3rd wave that left.
Great idea and post, Heather! I will definitely fit a 4.09 mile run into my day. I have also heard the idea of people wearing purple. I plan to do both! #PrayforBoston
Count me in!
I’m more than halfway through my 2nd trimester of pregnancy, so I’m not running.
However, I’m from the area. I grew up in the 2nd town the marathon goes through, and the town it originally started in. I grew up watching and cheering for the runners. I can’t remember a Patriot’s Day when I didn’t go. I was there yesterday.
it is one of the happiest days of the year in Boston. Everyone wants to be out, watching the runners, keeping an eye on the Red Sox, and just enjoying spring. We want to be celebrating. And we will continue to do so. My kids will grow up loving the marathon just like I did.
Count me in for 4.09 miles. I have posted about it on my blog today to help get the word out as well.
I’m in, too! Thanks for the great idea on a way to honor these victims!
I am unable to run today, but my thoughts are with everyone affected. Thankfully all my friends and family in Boston are safe, and now I’m just feeling angry.
I hope that at some point today I can find the strength of body and mind to get outside and run. I still feel like I’ve been hit by a truck after everything that happened yesterday. The second explosion happened right near where I had just been standing before leaving early to find a bathroom and some food. Not sure when the shock will wear off.
Yes, I’ll be running for Boston today and wearing one of my marathon shirts.
This whole thing is just so hard to process and upsetting.
6 miles with my running buddy who has run Boston and qualified again.
I will definitely be running today with that in my mind!! We will come back!! Makes me want to sign up for a marathon just to prove that we will come back and that nothing will keep us down…
I have to run an 8-miler today, so my plan is to follow the last 8 miles of the route (as far in as I can, depending on road closures). I’m going to take the time during that run to pray for the victims, their families, and all the runners and fans who had what is supposed to be an incredible, inspiring experience torn from them.
I’m going to do the same, after work today. This is all so crazy. Hard to believe someone would think up such an awful plan.
I will be doing the same.
Ran 4.09 this morning and am wearing a blue and gold race shirt to work today. My heart is broken.
Strapping my girls in the dualie and heading out to run…not complaining today for all the extra weight I have to push…just thankful to have them safe and sound!!
I plan on running the 4.09 today as well for those who will never run again.
I did yesterday, I will again today.
Yes, ma’am, I’ll be joining the 4.09 miles today. It’s storming and nasty today, but I need to do those miles. Got a race shirt on today, too.
I’m heading out to do mine now. Hugs to fellow runners and prayers for those in Boston!
I ran a marathon Sunday – but I will be back on the streets running tomorrow. Our organization is also running a 5k during lunch on Thursday in support of Boston.
I ran 2.39 miles yesterday (about the time they only knew of 30-ish injuries) and 3.01 this morning with my running group. It’s all I feel like I know how to do in a time like this…
I just finished running 4.09 and will wear a race shirt today in honor of Boston. The running community will stand strong in the face of this terror, and we will not be defeated. Prayers to everyone who was in Boston yesterday, and their friends and families.
Just finished my 4.09 miles in honor of Boston.
I ran 4.09 miles this morning before sunrise, with tears in my eyes and a new determination to BQ… someday.
Just finished my run in my favorite marathon shirt. 4.09 for Boston
I ran a somber 4.09 miles this morning in honor of Boston… I will wear a race shirt today as well.
My little brother goes to school in Boston. His dorm is very close to the explosions. Yesterday he was by those flags trying to take a picture, decided there were too many people and started to walk away. He was only five minutes away and still felt the bombs, and thought it was a canon until he saw the smoke.
I already ran my 4.09 today and I am trying to stay away from the news. I am so emotionally drained. I am praying for Boston and everyone touched by this.
Ran 4.09 this morning in honor of Boston
Running for Boston today!!!
ran my 4.09 this morning… thanks for posing this idea 🙂
Ran a very windy and cold 4.09 miles today in honor of Boston. I’m wearing my Disneyland 1/2 Marathon 2012 shirt today.
I ran for Boston this morning, too. I didn’t see your post in time, so it wasn’t 4.09 miles, but it did help to life some of the heaviness in my heart just slightly. What a tragic event.
Ran 4.09 miles this morning in honor of Boston.
I wasn’t planning on a run today but what a wonderful sentiment! I will surely lace up my sneaks now and make sure I get in at least 4.09 miles in honor of those affected by this horrible tragedy.
I’m running for Boston today!
Count me in for a 4.09 run today as well. I have a super stressful day tomorrow, but this is important enough to me that I am making time to do it. Great idea!
I’m running for Boston today too. Simply heartsick.
I ran for Boston this morning as well, wearing a blue and gold race shirt. It lightened my heart a little see quite a few runners out there.
Ran the 4:09, this morning in the Sparkle Heart running skirt- seemed like it fit.
Thanks for doing this!
At nearly six months pregnant, I WALKED 4.09 miles in honor of Boston. Praying for all of those involved in this tragedy.
Wow that is a great idea. I will plan on running the 4.09 too.
I ran 4.09 miles this morning too. Such a tragedy. It all seems like a bad dream.
Just completed my 4.09 mile run in honor of those in Boston.
I wore my Run For Life race shirt under my scrubs today, then afterwards wore it proudly for my first treadmill slow walk. I could only walk for 30 mins (per PT orders), but was honored to do it in honor of Boston.
My husband and I ran 4.09 miles after work today in honor of those affected by Boston.
I ran my 4.09 today. I had to go to the gym because of stormy weather. I spent the time watching news reports and praying for the victims and runners. I said extra prayers for the family of that beautiful 8yr.old boy who lost is life. I have three boys of my own, the youngest of which will be 8 in 10 days. They are always my biggest fans and I can’t imagine the pain of losing one of them.
It’s wasn’t 4.09m, but I did run today for everyone involved.
I ran 4.09 miles today in my Princess Half Marathon shirt. It was extremely hot (87 and felt like 89) and I’m pretty sure my shin splints are back but all I could think about was the people who were there and how grateful I was that I could still run
4.09 in my Princess Half Marathon shirt today.
My running partner, my 2 year old German Shepherd, and I ran 4.09 miles this afternoon for Boston. We will keep the spirit of the marathon alive, and hate cannot stop us 🙂 RUN!
Live along marathon route, in suburbs. Ran my 4.09 along miles 11 and 12. Definitely wasn’t easy, and I teared up a couple times, but running helped me process everything and move forward.
Did my 4.09 run today. Pushed the late afternoon Florida sun but it was all worth it.
Ran 4.09 after work with 5 other members of my running group.
I ran 4.09 with a friend this morning in Northern Kentucky/CIncinnati. I am a member of a boot camp. I shared your message and others did the same. Thanks for the inspiration. It felt great!
Ran 4.09mi today wearing my Ragnar Relay Napa 2011 shirt (the race I believe saved my life.)
Was only able to get 2 in today. Wore my 2012 Amica Newport 1/2 marathon shirt. Yesterday’s events hit home pretty hard living 50 miles south of Boston we are in the city more than a few times a year.
I too ran 4.09 Miles this morning in honor of Bostom. I spent the entire run praying for the city of Boston, the runners, the entire running community, the families, the investigators and all those who are simply hurting! Thank you for your inspiration!
I ran 4.09 miles today in honor of the Boston tragedy. It turned cold today and was raining off and on. I started to talk myself out of running, but I went because I CAN. I couldn’t NOT go today when I had the afternoon off work.
I ran 4.09 miles today for Boston.
I ran my 4.09 with a heavy heart. Before I set out I stopped to talk to my neighbor who has run Boston in the past. She said her family stood right where the bombs exploded the year she ran. It is so chilling.
Reading the stories of heroic and kind gestures helps to restore my faith in humanity. Many people gave coats, cell phones, cash, food, etc. to those without.
Tomorrow I will be running 3 miles for the three that lost their lives – consider joining me?
I just finished my 4.09 while wearing my blue and yellow. Thanks for the wonderful idea.
I ran 4.09 for Boston today
I couldn’t run yesterday but wore my blue and gold race shirt to work!!
I ran 4.09 miles in honor of Boston
I ran 4.09 miles in honor of Boston.
Ran my 4.09 miles for Boston tonight! It was my best 5k and my fastest 1k to date; I went all out for Boston.
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